sudo apt-get build-dep pari git clone cd pari tar xf pari-2.10*.tar.gz cd pari-2.10* ./Configure --prefix=GPDIR --mt=pthread make -j4 gp make doc make statest-all make install make install-bin-sta ./Configure --prefix=GPDIR.dbg -g make -j4 gp make install -C Olinux-x86_64.dbg GPDIR/bin/gp histfile = "~/.gp_history" colors = "lightbg" \\ or "darkbg" lines = 40 parisizemax = 4G \\ or the maximum amount of memory \\ GP can use (important) read "~/" git clone cd gp2c ./ tar xf gp2c-0.0.10pl1.tar.gz cd gp2c-0.0.10pl1 ./configure --prefix=$PWD/../GPDIR \ --with-paricfg=../GPDIR/lib/pari/pari.cfg \ --with-paricfg.dbg=../GPDIR.dbg/lib/pari/pari.cfg make check make install cd .. GPDIR/bin/gp2c -v git fetch git rebase origin/master ./Configure -l make install git log