Ilya Zakharevich on Sun, 5 Mar 2000 01:42:21 -0500 (EST)

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[PATCH 2.0.15] ticks in plotting

What I have here is a pretty old version of PARI, but I hope that the
patch still applies.

This patch adds ticks to plots, and allows new flags: 512 to plot no
x-ticks, 1024 to plot no y-ticks, and 2048 to plot all ticks of the
same length.


--- ./src/graph/plotport.c-ppp	Sun Oct 10 21:40:06 1999
+++ ./src/graph/plotport.c	Sat Mar  4 23:58:50 2000
@@ -419,6 +419,127 @@ rectline0(long ne, double gx2, double gy
+/* Given coordinates of ends of a line, and labels l1 l2 attached to the
+   ends, plot ticks where the label coordinate takes "round" values */
+static void
+rectticks(long ne, double dx1, double dy1, double dx2, double dy2, double l1, double l2, long flags)
+  long dx,dy,dxy,dxy1,x1,y1,x2,y2,nticks,n,n1,dn;
+  double minstep, maxstep, step, l_min, l_max, minl, maxl, dl, dtx, dty, x, y;
+  double ddx, ddy;
+  const double mult[3] = { 2./1., 5./2., 10./5. };
+  PariRect *e = check_rect_init(ne);
+  x1 = DTOL(dx1*RXscale(e) + RXshift(e));
+  y1 = DTOL(dy1*RYscale(e) + RYshift(e));
+  x2 = DTOL(dx2*RXscale(e) + RXshift(e));
+  y2 = DTOL(dy2*RYscale(e) + RYshift(e));
+  dx = x2 - x1;
+  dy = y2 - y1;
+  if (dx < 0)
+    dx = -dx;
+  if (dy < 0)
+    dy = -dy;
+  if (dx < dy)
+    dxy1 = dy;
+  else
+    dxy1 = dx;
+  dx /= h_unit;
+  dy /= v_unit;
+  dxy = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
+  nticks = (dxy + 2.5)/4;
+  if (!nticks)
+    return;
+  /* Now we want to find nticks (or less) "round" numbers between l1 and l2.
+     For our purpose round numbers have "last significant" digit either 
+	*) any;
+	*) even;
+	*) divisible by 5.
+     We need to choose which alternative is better.
+   */
+  if (l1 < l2)
+    l_min = l1, l_max = l2;
+  else
+    l_min = l2, l_max = l1;
+  minstep = (l_max - l_min)/(nticks + 1);
+  maxstep = 2.5*(l_max - l_min);
+  step = exp(log(10) * floor(log10(minstep)));
+  if (!(flags & TICKS_ENDSTOO)) {
+    double d = 2*(l_max - l_min)/dxy1;	/* Two pixels off */
+    l_min += d;
+    l_max -= d;
+  }
+  for (n = 0; ; n++) {
+    if (step >= maxstep)
+      return;
+    if (step >= minstep) {
+      minl = ceil(l_min/step);
+      maxl = floor(l_max/step);
+      if (minl <= maxl && maxl - minl + 1 <= nticks) {
+	nticks = maxl - minl + 1;
+        l_min = minl * step;
+        l_max = maxl * step;
+	if (!(flags & TICKS_NODOUBLE)) {
+	  /* Where to position doubleticks, variants:
+ 	     small: each 5, double: each 10	(n===2 mod 3)
+	     small: each 2, double: each 10	(n===1  mod 3)
+	     small: each 1, double: each  5 */
+	  if (n % 3 == 2)
+	    dn = 2;
+          else
+	    dn = 5;
+	  n1 = ((long)minl) % dn;
+	}
+	break;
+      }
+    }
+    step *= mult[ n % 3 ];
+  }
+  /* now l_min and l_max keep min/max values of l with ticks, and nticks is
+     the number of ticks to draw. */
+  if (nticks > 1) {
+    dl = (l_max - l_min)/(nticks - 1);
+    ddx = (dx2 - dx1) * dl / (l2 - l1);
+    ddy = (dy2 - dy1) * dl / (l2 - l1);
+  }
+  x = dx1 + (dx2 - dx1) * (l_min - l1) / (l2 - l1);
+  y = dy1 + (dy2 - dy1) * (l_min - l1) / (l2 - l1);
+  /* assume h_unit and v_unit form a square.  For clockwise ticks: */
+  dtx = h_unit * dy/dxy * (y2 > y1 ? 1 : -1);	/* y-coord runs down */
+  dty = v_unit * dx/dxy * (x2 > x1 ? 1 : -1);
+  for (n = 0; n < nticks; n++) {
+    RectObj *z = (RectObj*) gpmalloc(sizeof(RectObj2P));
+    double lunit = h_unit > 1 ? 1.5 : 2;
+    double l;
+    RoNext(z) = 0;
+    RoLNx1(z) = RoLNx2(z) = x*RXscale(e) + RXshift(e);
+    RoLNy1(z) = RoLNy2(z) = y*RYscale(e) + RYshift(e);
+    l = ((flags & TICKS_NODOUBLE) || (n + n1) % dn != 0) ? 1 : lunit;
+    if (flags & TICKS_CLOCKW) {
+      RoLNx1(z) += dtx*l;
+      RoLNy1(z) -= dty*l;		/* y-coord runs down */
+    }
+    if (flags & TICKS_ACLOCKW) {
+      RoLNx2(z) -= dtx*l;
+      RoLNy2(z) += dty*l;		/* y-coord runs down */
+    }
+    RoType(z) = ROt_LN;
+    if (!RHead(e))
+      RHead(e)=RTail(e)=z;
+    else {
+      RoNext(RTail(e))=z; RTail(e)=z;
+    }
+    RoCol(z)=current_color[ne];
+    x += ddx;
+    y += ddy;
+  }
 rectline(long ne, GEN gx2, GEN gy2)
@@ -1497,10 +1618,24 @@ rectplothrawin(long stringrect, long dra
   if (!(flags & PLOT_NO_FRAME))
+    int do_double = (flags & PLOT_NODOUBLETICK) ? TICKS_NODOUBLE : 0;
     rectlinetype(drawrect, -2); 		/* Frame. */
+    if (!(flags & PLOT_NO_TICK_X)) {
+      rectticks(drawrect, xsml, ysml, xbig, ysml, xsml, xbig,
+	TICKS_CLOCKW | do_double);
+      rectticks(drawrect, xbig, ybig, xsml, ybig, xbig, xsml,
+	TICKS_CLOCKW | do_double);
+    }
+    if (!(flags & PLOT_NO_TICK_Y)) {
+      rectticks(drawrect, xbig, ysml, xbig, ybig, ysml, ybig,
+	TICKS_CLOCKW | do_double);
+      rectticks(drawrect, xsml, ybig, xsml, ysml, ybig, ysml,
+	TICKS_CLOCKW | do_double);
+    }
   if (!(flags & PLOT_NO_AXE_Y) && (xsml<=0 && xbig >=0))
--- ./src/graph/rect.h-ppp	Sun Oct 10 20:44:06 1999
+++ ./src/graph/rect.h	Sat Mar  4 23:55:48 2000
@@ -204,6 +204,9 @@ typedef struct RectObjPS {
 #define PLOT_POINTS       0x00040
 #define PLOT_POINTS_LINES 0x00080
 #define PLOT_SPLINES      0x00100
+#define PLOT_NO_TICK_X    0x00200
+#define PLOT_NO_TICK_Y    0x00400
+#define PLOT_NODOUBLETICK 0x00800
 #define PLOT_POSTSCRIPT   0x80000
@@ -212,6 +215,15 @@ typedef struct RectObjPS {
 #define RECT_CP_SW        0x2
 #define RECT_CP_SE        0x4
 #define RECT_CP_NE        0x6
+#define TICKS_CLOCKW	1		/* Draw in clockwise direction */
+#define TICKS_ACLOCKW	2		/* Draw in anticlockwise direction */
+#define TICKS_ENDSTOO	4		/* Draw at endspoints if needed */
+#define TICKS_NODOUBLE	8		/* Do not draw double-length ticks */
+/* Not implemented yet */
+#define TICKS_COORD	16		/* Output [x,y,l,isdbl] for each tick */
+#define TICKS_RELATIVE	32		/* x,y-coordinates are relative */
 extern PariRect  **rectgraph;
 extern long  rectpoint_itype;