Ilya Zakharevich on Mon, 22 May 2000 00:49:54 -0400

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Explain difference between I and E input specifiers

--- ./src/language/init.c~	Mon Dec 20 13:17:35 1999
+++ ./src/language/init.c	Mon May 22 00:47:25 2000
@@ -1511,7 +1511,10 @@ geni(void) { return gi; }
  * code: describe function prototype. NULL = use valence instead.
  * -----
  * Arguments:
- *  I  input position (to be processed with lisexpr or lisseq).
+ *  I  input position (to be processed with lisseq) - a string with a
+ *     sequence of PARI expressions.
+ *  E  input position (to be processed with lisexpr) - a string with a
+ *     PARI expression.
  *  G  GEN
  *  L  long
  *  S  symbol (i.e GP function name)