Igor Schein on Sun, 8 Sep 2002 02:07:39 -0400

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timing counter problem


? \g4
   debug = 4
? galoisinit(x^6 - 3*x^5 + 5*x^3 - 3*x + 1);
GaloisAnalysis:p=13 l=31 group=1 deg=3 ord=3
Time galoisanalysis(): 0
Time roots: 10
Time vandermondeinverse: -77850		
GaloisConj:val1=9 val2=9
Time galoisborne(): 10
Time rootpadicfast(): 0
Time vandermondeinversemod(): 0
GaloisConj:p=13 deg=1 fp=3
Time MonomorphismLift: lift to prec 2: 0
Time MonomorphismLift: lift to prec 4: 0
Time MonomorphismLift: lift to prec 7: 0
Time MonomorphismLift: lift to prec 13: 0
Time building tree: 0
Time lifting to prec 2: 0
Time lifting to prec 4: 0
Time lifting to prec 7: 0
Time lifting to prec 13: 0
Time frobenius power: 0
Trying degre 3.
Galoisconj:Subgroups list:[Vecsmall([1]), Vecsmall([1, 2])]
GaloisConj:I will try 1 permutations
Time : 0
GaloisConj: 0 hops on 0 tests
Best lift: 3
GaloisConj:splitorbite: [[Vecsmall([5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4])],
FixedField: Sym: Vecsmall([1])
FixedField: Computed degrees: Vecsmall([])
GaloisConj:Back to Earth:[[Vecsmall([2, 1])], Vecsmall([2])]
GaloisConj:I will try 1 permutations
Time testpermutation(0): 0

Note negative number in the first vandermondeinverse line.

