Bill Allombert on Thu, 06 Nov 2003 15:33:21 +0100

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Re: Description system TODO list

On Thu, Nov 06, 2003 at 01:49:35PM +0100, Bill Allombert wrote:
> 1) I propose we add a directory symbolic_operators
> with file name named after the name of the PARI function without the g prefix.
> (add, sub, etc.). Inside we use the GP2C name of the operator (_!,_+_)
> as Name:. This avoid having non alphanumeric characters in filename.
> (And anyway _/_ is not a valid UNIX filename).
> Operators will need to live in a new Class: to not be read by GP.

That did not work out as expected, since a lot of operator have
no corresponding PARI functions ('C-Name'). So here the mapping
I came out so far (see below). Also I decided to use shiftl instead
of shift since there is no function name for right shift(we use a
negative argument in gshift instead).

Improvement welcome before I commit it, especially since CVS does not handle
renaming file nicely.


add		_+_
adde		_+=_
and		_&&_
concat		__
deriv		_'
div		_/_
dive		_/=_
divent		_\_
divente		_\=_
divround	_\/_
divrounde	_\/=_
eq		_==_
fact		_!
ge		_>=_
gt		_>_
le		_<=_
lt		_<_
mm		_--
mod		_%_
mode		_%=_
mul		_*_
mule		_*=_
ne		_!=_
neg		-_
not		!_
or		_||_
pl		+_
pow		_^_
pp		_++
shiftl		_<<_
shiftle		_<<=_
shiftr		_>>_
shiftre		_>>=_
sub		_-_
sube		_-=_
trans		_~