Denis Simon on Wed, 28 Jan 2004 11:14:05 +0100

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maybe my question should be asked in pari-users, 
but I can't understand the behaviour of lindep:
? lindep([0.2527546621, -0.89865858,1.1733994])
%1 = 66984134.27215961355

Here, I was expecting 0 or a vector ???

In the big help, it is written that I can use
lindep with a matrix if flag <0, but I wasn't able
to do it !

? lindep(matrix(2,2,i,j,1)*1.23456789,-1)
  ***   incorrect type in lindep.
? lindep(matrix(2,2,i,j,1)*1.23456789,-2)
%2 = [1.234567890000000000000000000, -1.234567890000000000000000000]~

Here, I was expecting a relation over Z !!

? lindep(matrix(2,2,i,j,1)*1.23456789,-3)
  ***   incorrect type in pslq.
? lindep(matrix(2,2,i,j,1)*1.23456789,-4)
  ***   incorrect type in lindep2.
? lindep(matrix(2,2,i,j,1)*1.23456789,-10)
  ***   incorrect type in lindep2.

Any help welcome !

Denis SIMON.