Jason Moxham on Fri, 03 Jul 2009 18:12:46 +0200 |
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Re: Some bugs? |
----- Original Message ----- From: "Bill Allombert" <Bill.Allombert@math.u-bordeaux1.fr>
To: <pari-dev@list.cr.yp.to> Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 5:51 PM Subject: Re: Some bugs?
On Thu, Jul 02, 2009 at 05:00:42PM +0100, Jason Moxham wrote:The tests ellglobalred and galois both static and dynamic are broken on linux64,cygwin32 on pari-2.4.2 and svn , I assume you allready know this so I wont post details.Did you sure you installed the optional packages ? (ellglobalred needs elldata and galois needs galdata)Pari SVN on linux 64 breaks on ellsea and ZN both static and dynamic , I'll post details when I'm back on that machine.ellsea needs the package seadata. zn has been broken by Karim latest commit (which remove a warning). ideal has been broken in 32bit for several months.Pari-2.4.2 on Cygwin32 with gmp breaks on polchebshev static and dynamicThis seems to work on linux32 though. Could you compare the output of polchebyshev(n,2) (for n=26..50) on cygwin and linux ?
Typical, one of the machines I use for linux32 has no bison , the other one's network card has broken , and my main one is only booting the wrong kernel :( , so here is a cygwin with no gmp which appears to work...
jasonadmin@box1-win32 /cygdrive/c/Users/jasonadmin/pari-2.4.2-alpha-withgmp/src
$ cat src/test/in/polchebyshev | ./gp.exe GP/PARI CALCULATOR Version 2.4.2 (development) i686 running cygwin (ix86/GMP-4.2.1 kernel) 32-bit versioncompiled: Jul 3 2009, gcc-3.4.4 (cygming special, gdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125)
(readline v5.2 enabled, extended help enabled) Copyright (C) 2000-2006 The PARI Group PARI/GP is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. Type ? for help, \q to quit. Type ?12 for how to get moral (and possibly technical) support. parisize = 4000000, primelimit = 500000 U -50 -49 -48 -47 -46 -45 -44 -43 -42 -41 -40 -39 -38 -37 -36 -35 -34 -33 -32 -31 -30 -29 -28 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 T L Total time spent: 31 Goodbye!jasonadmin@box1-win32 /cygdrive/c/Users/jasonadmin/pari-2.4.2-alpha-withgmp/src
$ ./gp.exe GP/PARI CALCULATOR Version 2.4.2 (development) i686 running cygwin (ix86/GMP-4.2.1 kernel) 32-bit versioncompiled: Jul 3 2009, gcc-3.4.4 (cygming special, gdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125)
(readline v5.2 enabled, extended help enabled) Copyright (C) 2000-2006 The PARI Group PARI/GP is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. Type ? for help, \q to quit. Type ?12 for how to get moral (and possibly technical) support. parisize = 4000000, primelimit = 500000 ? polchebyshev(n,2) *** gtos expected an integer, got 'n'. ? polchebyshev(26,2)%1 = 67108864*x^26 - 419430400*x^24 + 1157627904*x^22 - 1857028096*x^20 + 191758 3360*x^18 - 1333592064*x^16 + 635043840*x^14 - 206389248*x^12 + 44808192*x^10 -
6223360*x^8 + 512512*x^6 - 21840*x^4 + 364*x^2 - 1 ? polchebyshev(27,2)%2 = 134217728*x^27 - 872415232*x^25 + 2516582400*x^23 - 4244635648*x^21 + 46425 70240*x^19 - 3218161810*x^17 + 1657840932*x^15 - 592086047*x^13 + 144320973*x^11
- 23209513*x^9 + 2320951*x^7 - 130320*x^5 + 3393*x^3 - 26*x ? polchebyshev(28,2)%3 = 268435456*x^28 - 1811939328*x^26 + 5452595200*x^24 - 7658153835*x^22 + 1664 53070915530119*x^20 - 131775347808128010*x^18 + 73049377589288353*x^16 - 2846079 6463359098*x^14 + 39031203237427681*x^12 - 7155720593528408*x^10 + 1706627483128 5009*x^8 - 10189964540564897*x^6 + 5298353292745389*x^4 - 2078584753596829*x^2 +
343131453622980 ? polchebyshev(29,2)%4 = 536870912*x^29 - 3758096384*x^27 + 11777605632*x^25 - 15969424127*x^23 + 17 5293984599563901*x^21 - 147246947063633676*x^19 + 87427874819032495*x^17 - 36926 058929777699*x^15 + 11014875533030279*x^13 - 29738059610051006*x^11 + 4088983196 382013*x^9 - 12411836447304447*x^7 + 7005600645692382*x^5 - 3260525152273027*x^3
+ 965057211697814*x ? polchebyshev(30,2)%5 = 1073741824*x^30 - 7784628224*x^28 + 14105010474*x^26 - 278794306550656576*x ^24 + 356237169481394513*x^22 - 316503023654623586*x^20 + 200451914981261604*x^1 8 - 91277211286110194*x^16 + 29764308028079411*x^14 - 6839777854937440*x^12 + 22 646676380749791*x^10 - 2316137357122137*x^8 + 8849179732044010*x^6 - 46190772584
85570*x^4 + 1816578311232191*x^2 - 300240020769260 ? polchebyshev(31,2)%6 = 2147483648*x^31 - 16106127360*x^29 + 43707443899*x^27 - 290715165622244914* x^25 + 389350668244078009*x^23 - 364835996539821245*x^21 + 245562689978725837*x^ 19 - 119974914246748908*x^17 + 42491115462390238*x^15 - 10776732182490277*x^13 + 25547696612015324*x^11 - 3041392453811348*x^9 + 10808640833111588*x^7 - 6126355
208336305*x^5 + 2859428780220483*x^3 - 847736543023489*x ? polchebyshev(32,2)%7 = 4294967296*x^32 - 33285996544*x^30 + 505565464159550430*x^28 - 106168747473 5055903*x^26 + 1487277712452125726*x^24 - 1466030887988523929*x^22 + 10452257256 95521690*x^20 - 545584856819090992*x^18 + 208686207733302304*x^16 - 579683910370 28417*x^14 + 11467659966020839*x^12 - 19652074410969910*x^10 + 1754649500979456* x^8 - 7760049784977169*x^6 + 4063398812298060*x^4 - 1601280142429876*x^2 + 26491
7665296059 ? polchebyshev(33,2)%8 = 8589934592*x^33 - 68719476736*x^31 + 523543534695874560*x^29 - 114278857573 4005760*x^27 + 1671328292010983424*x^25 - 1728960302080327680*x^23 + 13018659417 45008640*x^21 - 723258856525004800*x^19 + 297301116504268800*x^17 - 898510040990 67904*x^15 + 19654907146671104*x^13 - 3029807821028352*x^11 + 15012001041892586* x^9 - 9502101973604772*x^7 + 5404320441673974*x^5 - 2528337040324827*x^3 + 75060
0057359435*x ? polchebyshev(34,2)%9 = 17179869184*x^34 - 141733920768*x^32 + 541523817705631868*x^30 - 1226889899 489322200*x^28 + 1870017669382918514*x^26 - 2025852475164828390*x^24 + 160671058 3751415619*x^22 - 946811593996369918*x^20 + 416421765878033065*x^18 - 1361378849 98587732*x^16 + 32673092399661055*x^14 - 5631157970396128*x^12 + 172311664285270 66*x^10 - 1355598757489017*x^8 + 6862629216683269*x^6 - 3602880279320198*x^4 + 1
422189607540361*x^2 - 235482370804698 ? polchebyshev(35,2)%10 = 34359738368*x^35 - 292057776128*x^33 + 559506107667393837*x^31 - 131399161 6491606738*x^29 + 2083908579279657561*x^27 - 2359522294603741302*x^25 + 19662685 78836451085*x^23 - 1225285592230596365*x^21 + 574352621358092046*x^19 - 20208703 3440810164*x^17 + 52853531822981119*x^15 - 10090219711660031*x^13 + 195156014969 29962*x^11 - 1794913181155765*x^9 + 8422317639886953*x^7 - 4803840409574676*x^5
+ 2251800166313588*x^3 - 669265680665575*x ? polchebyshev(36,2)%11 = 68719476736*x^36 - 601295421440*x^34 + 577490232556702924*x^32 - 140409389 8765316913*x^30 + 2313563810465579004*x^28 - 2732897251112465198*x^26 + 23876118 45729976315*x^24 - 1569002070051127292*x^22 + 781119565047005182*x^20 - 29446967 7299466239*x^18 + 83433075234848767*x^16 - 17503442356961279*x^14 + 265468875747 2460*x^12 - 15242955261583667*x^10 + 1065113333495753*x^8 - 6113978591190305*x^6
+ 3216857410752532*x^4 - 1271604827348401*x^2 + 210694754386913 ? polchebyshev(37,2)%12 = 137438953472*x^37 - 1236950581248*x^35 + 595476039462930204*x^33 - 1497196 899221081655*x^31 + 2559546169624275623*x^29 - 3149017408689260311*x^27 + 287839 8725130027003*x^25 - 1989676538108313596*x^23 + 1048725341961256957*x^21 - 42190 0999639586132*x^19 + 128830483818516479*x^17 - 29496541749694008*x^15 + 49633603 90573510*x^13 - 17293825349367330*x^11 + 1415417253296433*x^9 - 7519054525651690
*x^7 + 4298891233043498*x^5 - 2018420338691801*x^3 + 600480041702620*x ? polchebyshev(38,2)%13 = 274877906944*x^38 - 2542620639232*x^36 + 613463392006325552*x^34 - 1593300 754238651086*x^32 + 2822418478937039066*x^30 - 3611035406875329393*x^28 + 344689 7433835541693*x^26 - 2500539433028015737*x^24 + 1391429200636557143*x^22 - 59522 2491383416111*x^20 + 194986678211808726*x^18 - 48430132737673271*x^16 + 89685430 99569124*x^14 - 19400124745635816*x^12 + 1829154618874234*x^10 - 900720066329026 3*x^8 + 5482643895188540*x^6 - 2890010930382752*x^4 + 1143771507952704*x^2 - 189
625276043268 ? polchebyshev(39,2)%14 = 549755813888*x^39 - 5222680231936*x^37 + 631452168162902016*x^35 - 1692405 585842012160*x^33 + 3102743574043688960*x^31 - 4122216462658043904*x^29 + 410200 9519213641728*x^27 - 3116461777584390144*x^25 + 1826051822803353600*x^23 - 82794 1059443097600*x^21 + 289779370805084160*x^19 - 77668138570014720*x^17 + 15718551 853455360*x^15 - 2351065448166400*x^13 + 15440915346538752*x^11 - 11323337920795 08*x^9 + 6755400448824366*x^7 - 3870101562311611*x^5 + 1819636497119430*x^3 - 54
1786504279764*x ? polchebyshev(40,2)%15 = 1099511627776*x^40 - 10720238370816*x^38 + 649442258423953355*x^36 - 17945 11503539871112*x^34 + 3401084302317120587*x^32 - 4685938372081366142*x^30 + 4853 293313941414932*x^28 - 3854085866953476563*x^26 + 2372306641590681596*x^24 - 113 6730265762201598*x^22 + 423523695792046079*x^20 - 121923488182558719*x^18 + 2680 2146109096959*x^16 - 4417936171829169*x^14 + 17347201626545199*x^12 - 1467840137 630747*x^10 + 8106480576853691*x^8 - 4945129752818626*x^6 + 2610782839549717*x^4
- 1034319693445137*x^2 + 171565727291604 ? polchebyshev(41,2)%16 = 2199023255552*x^41 - 21990232555520*x^39 + 667433564231643955*x^37 - 18996 18605890063564*x^35 + 3718003521396670462*x^33 - 5305691511614708118*x^31 + 5710 987390974164988*x^29 - 4731960981092879561*x^27 + 3053158647727207216*x^25 - 154 1999317033943038*x^23 + 609571605014980607*x^21 - 187698001544202239*x^19 + 4457 8275366748031*x^17 - 8040643832729087*x^15 + 19301144296719839*x^13 - 1858628710 054503*x^11 + 9526846989306686*x^9 - 6103703159452897*x^7 + 3502800246257765*x^5
- 1648915452677250*x^3 + 491301851417126*x ? polchebyshev(42,2)%17 = 4398046511104*x^42 - 45079976738816*x^40 + 685425996643536796*x^38 - 20077 26981835026531*x^36 + 4054064097936111264*x^34 - 5985078839321469523*x^32 + 6686 034018701461449*x^30 - 5770684123283999464*x^28 + 3895211783216699638*x^26 - 206 8535669191874807*x^24 + 865024007116602192*x^22 - 283836002335135094*x^20 + 7248 5000596338263*x^18 - 14218211655435582*x^16 + 2101213545138263*x^14 - 1561248145 4426752*x^12 + 1192620111102043*x^10 - 7336181592741976*x^8 + 4483584415013249*x
^6 - 2370316006264831*x^4 + 939881807058952*x^2 - 155968842834919 ? polchebyshev(43,2)%18 = 8796093022208*x^43 - 92358976733184*x^41 + 703419475187903146*x^39 - 21188 36711846488744*x^37 + 4409828906530504698*x^35 - 6727815895860641782*x^33 + 7790 102616259690484*x^31 - 6993045784866324469*x^29 + 4929126021971749538*x^27 - 274 6227355098546171*x^25 + 1211570891955240957*x^23 - 422214098711674878*x^21 + 115 449167616473599*x^19 - 24493557893817599*x^17 + 3965623658999039*x^15 - 17393215 313296255*x^13 + 1514141511648557*x^11 - 8634353653045644*x^9 + 5542892694613952
*x^7 - 3185704658167323*x^5 + 1501200129285050*x^3 - 447562767813177*x ? polchebyshev(44,2)%19 = 17592186044416*x^44 - 189115999977472*x^42 + 721413926878756482*x^40 - 223 2947868910436730*x^38 + 4785860828792795796*x^36 - 7537730805348653378*x^34 + 90 35613208975629369*x^32 - 8424180736187804825*x^30 + 6190065236894755234*x^28 - 3 610871388188607219*x^26 + 1676476001658996208*x^24 - 618592749275244590*x^22 + 1 80422885205279672*x^20 - 41202341573321078*x^18 + 7262624724329637*x^16 - 192153 61610828071*x^14 + 1884264985544562*x^12 - 9991180681470600*x^10 + 4625546611791 94*x^8 - 4084236817399719*x^6 + 2161728174637054*x^4 - 857828642653427*x^2 + 142
406336922184 ? polchebyshev(45,2)%20 = 35184372088832*x^45 - 387028092977152*x^43 + 739409285365199965*x^41 - 235 0060519377767330*x^39 + 5182722752556326165*x^37 - 8418764276103690794*x^35 + 10 435759883920200046*x^33 - 10091723843790962681*x^31 + 7718176952899338234*x^29 - 4705074839154851836*x^27 + 2293723984087990270*x^25 - 893658695099216988*x^23 + 277078002279536639*x^21 - 67816294264222254*x^19 + 12942618659801345*x^17 - 189 2684019067723*x^15 + 15762601438452156*x^13 - 1246940073224409*x^11 + 7863429294 051394*x^9 - 5056674065114527*x^7 + 2910018713130493*x^5 - 1372525826924987*x^3
+ 409418209825863*x ? polchebyshev(46,2)%21 = 70368744177664*x^46 - 791648371998720*x^44 + 757405490194194249*x^42 - 247 0174723701519880*x^40 + 5600977571183678797*x^38 - 9374969601290776653*x^36 + 12 004534245555262787*x^34 - 12025970913850897184*x^32 + 9559105085368661864*x^30 - 6079255427098491097*x^28 + 3105349393842202209*x^26 - 1274291102271105704*x^24 + 418695647889077588*x^22 - 109410288079611903*x^20 + 22497786509876906*x^18 - 3 585584725011631*x^16 + 17433291997147066*x^14 - 1555323109549395*x^12 + 91107318 77386867*x^10 - 385322306844369*x^8 + 3736320341225198*x^6 - 1979604578119169*x^
4 + 786082975431695*x^2 - 130539139883823 ? polchebyshev(47,2)%22 = 140737488355328*x^47 - 1618481116086272*x^45 + 775402486169486024*x^43 - 2 593290537077947702*x^41 + 6041188182965673623*x^39 - 10410512659482707336*x^37 + 13756748871459291836*x^35 - 14260044561878534220*x^33 + 11764536763549790731*x^ 31 - 7792748710898365655*x^29 + 4162968390295705863*x^27 - 1795088335373209776*x ^25 + 623294560893475616*x^23 - 173289586709944319*x^21 + 38225644127193599*x^19 - 6602611258333439*x^17 + 19140301399120977*x^15 - 1906766268413380*x^13 + 1040 8320881338224*x^11 - 519471550339022*x^9 + 4632274716316546*x^7 - 26688002169336
58*x^5 + 1259748352964791*x^3 - 375952720789570*x ? polchebyshev(48,2)%23 = 281474976710656*x^48 - 3307330976350208*x^46 + 793400222792375448*x^44 - 2 719408010005750629*x^42 + 6503917490597086921*x^40 - 11529671915149381359*x^38 + 15708060768120184293*x^36 - 16830065108700197456*x^34 + 14392784338385382275*x^ 32 - 9915029210887707789*x^30 + 5529535521456606266*x^28 - 2500196683146647330*x ^26 + 915049461737230160*x^24 - 269822277178926842*x^22 + 63600965335032755*x^20 - 11847238640839434*x^18 + 1716503325803440*x^16 - 15895060148909581*x^14 + 129 6102574866283*x^12 - 8343512230535849*x^10 + 323670733081132*x^8 - 3431314560674
926*x^6 + 1819636493864689*x^4 - 722986004022554*x^2 + 120096009020731 ? polchebyshev(49,2)%24 = 562949953421312*x^49 - 6755399441055744*x^47 + 811398653772387669*x^45 - 2 848527188775403518*x^43 + 6989728400717905915*x^41 - 12736838419085961889*x^39 + 17874994826785412423*x^37 - 19775326502722732016*x^35 + 20825878738414551924202 973871*x^33 - 442840426432935919452632430*x^31 + 359776394899685351281974644*x^2 9 - 292892629680837009115883531*x^27 + 238222058654857009958617691*x^25 - 193026 032058252994985159878*x^23 + 155356591014590837072348988*x^21 - 1237940285527206 33030617048*x^19 + 97282991363381173451043726*x^17 - 75026683646471290048488775* x^15 + 56416549463573002683488443*x^13 - 40984440204034087702945056*x^11 + 28369 465114216554025313758*x^9 - 838505934066737306823598*x^7 + 142925607270287072741
04*x^5 - 114959130662363308904*x^3 + 266405239558015706*x ? polchebyshev(50,2)%25 = 1125899906842624*x^50 - 13792273858822144*x^48 + 829397736597862107*x^46 - 2980648115898566947*x^44 + 7499183823510756201*x^42 - 14036515808788611063*x^40 + 20274967279361327091*x^38 - 89005252921686284080407894049*x^36 + 244846599529 960111219070126896914957818*x^34 - 181691722648257569528861970727483895057*x^32 + 109901334637486093421835565724324444315*x^30 - 5432622790853554330702504222375 0212416*x^28 + 21939438187595227689119578028734304946*x^26 - 7216920454061229140 904518260735360226*x^24 + 1922654474846205830780576037518870734*x^22 - 411234426 233221352649087682301827326*x^20 + 69762980602827026331923086578336536*x^18 - 17 060267332849195295202813592753744097*x^16 + 172325931937787848819688405778161355 9*x^14 - 128961015191389280500991487493925293*x^12 + 156522972970309208863333123 86577923580*x^10 - 559010615983821584316742149697585133*x^8 + 122666890316042110 37213501181251082*x^6 - 2854038599704603513326911971349511228*x^4 + 132131414580
71075585336866474285658*x^2 - 120268396788654757119156692582581476 ?jasonadmin@box1-win32 /cygdrive/c/Users/jasonadmin/pari-2.4.2-alpha-nogmp/src
$ cat src/test/in/polchebyshev | ./gp.exe GP/PARI CALCULATOR Version 2.4.2 (development) i686 running cygwin (ix86 kernel) 32-bit versioncompiled: Jul 3 2009, gcc-3.4.4 (cygming special, gdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125)
(readline v5.2 enabled, extended help enabled) Copyright (C) 2000-2006 The PARI Group PARI/GP is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. Type ? for help, \q to quit. Type ?12 for how to get moral (and possibly technical) support. parisize = 4000000, primelimit = 500000 U T L Total time spent: 0 Goodbye!jasonadmin@box1-win32 /cygdrive/c/Users/jasonadmin/pari-2.4.2-alpha-nogmp/src
$ ./gp.exe GP/PARI CALCULATOR Version 2.4.2 (development) i686 running cygwin (ix86 kernel) 32-bit versioncompiled: Jul 3 2009, gcc-3.4.4 (cygming special, gdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125)
(readline v5.2 enabled, extended help enabled) Copyright (C) 2000-2006 The PARI Group PARI/GP is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. Type ? for help, \q to quit. Type ?12 for how to get moral (and possibly technical) support. parisize = 4000000, primelimit = 500000 ? polchebyshev(26,2)%1 = 67108864*x^26 - 419430400*x^24 + 1157627904*x^22 - 1857028096*x^20 + 191758 3360*x^18 - 1333592064*x^16 + 635043840*x^14 - 206389248*x^12 + 44808192*x^10 -
6223360*x^8 + 512512*x^6 - 21840*x^4 + 364*x^2 - 1 ? polchebyshev(27,2)%2 = 134217728*x^27 - 872415232*x^25 + 2516582400*x^23 - 4244635648*x^21 + 46425 70240*x^19 - 3451650048*x^17 + 1778122752*x^15 - 635043840*x^13 + 154791936*x^11
- 24893440*x^9 + 2489344*x^7 - 139776*x^5 + 3640*x^3 - 28*x ? polchebyshev(28,2)%3 = 268435456*x^28 - 1811939328*x^26 + 5452595200*x^24 - 9646899200*x^22 + 1114 2168576*x^20 - 8820883456*x^18 + 4889837568*x^16 - 1905131520*x^14 + 515973120*x
^12 - 94595072*x^10 + 11202048*x^8 - 792064*x^6 + 29120*x^4 - 420*x^2 + 1 ? polchebyshev(29,2)%4 = 536870912*x^29 - 3758096384*x^27 + 11777605632*x^25 - 21810380800*x^23 + 26 528972800*x^21 - 22284337152*x^19 + 13231325184*x^17 - 5588385792*x^15 + 1666990 080*x^13 - 343982080*x^11 + 47297536*x^9 - 4073472*x^7 + 198016*x^5 - 4480*x^3 +
30*x ? polchebyshev(30,2)%5 = 1073741824*x^30 - 7784628224*x^28 + 25367150592*x^26 - 49073356800*x^24 + 6 2704844800*x^22 - 55710842880*x^20 + 35283533824*x^18 - 16066609152*x^16 + 52391 11680*x^14 - 1203937280*x^12 + 189190144*x^10 - 19348992*x^8 + 1188096*x^6 - 380
80*x^4 + 480*x^2 - 1 ? polchebyshev(31,2)%6 = 2147483648*x^31 - 16106127360*x^29 + 54492397568*x^27 - 109924319232*x^25 + 147220070400*x^23 - 137950658560*x^21 + 92851404800*x^19 - 45364543488*x^17 + 1 6066609152*x^15 - 4074864640*x^13 + 722362368*x^11 - 85995520*x^9 + 6449664*x^7
- 274176*x^5 + 5440*x^3 - 32*x ? polchebyshev(32,2)%7 = 4294967296*x^32 - 33285996544*x^30 + 116769423360*x^28 - 245215789056*x^26 + 343513497600*x^24 - 338606161920*x^22 + 241413652480*x^20 - 126012620800*x^18 + 48199827456*x^16 - 13388840960*x^14 + 2648662016*x^12 - 361181184*x^10 + 32248
320*x^8 - 1736448*x^6 + 48960*x^4 - 544*x^2 + 1 ? polchebyshev(33,2)%8 = 8589934592*x^33 - 68719476736*x^31 + 249644974080*x^29 - 544923975680*x^27 + 796951314432*x^25 - 824432394240*x^23 + 620777963520*x^21 - 344876646400*x^19 + 141764198400*x^17 - 42844291072*x^15 + 9372188672*x^13 - 1444724736*x^11 + 150
492160*x^9 - 9922560*x^7 + 372096*x^5 - 6528*x^3 + 34*x ? polchebyshev(34,2)%9 = 17179869184*x^34 - 141733920768*x^32 + 532575944704*x^30 - 1206617374720*x^ 28 + 1839118417920*x^26 - 1992378286080*x^24 + 1580162088960*x^22 - 931166945280 *x^20 + 409541017600*x^18 - 133888409600*x^16 + 32133218304*x^14 - 5538111488*x^
12 + 662165504*x^10 - 52093440*x^8 + 2480640*x^6 - 62016*x^4 + 612*x^2 - 1 ? polchebyshev(35,2)%10 = 34359738368*x^35 - 292057776128*x^33 + 1133871366144*x^31 - 2662879723520* x^29 + 4223160811520*x^27 - 4781707886592*x^25 + 3984756572160*x^23 - 2483111854 080*x^21 + 1163958681600*x^19 - 409541017600*x^17 + 107110727680*x^15 - 20448411 648*x^13 + 2769055744*x^11 - 254679040*x^9 + 14883840*x^7 - 496128*x^5 + 7752*x^
3 - 36*x ? polchebyshev(36,2)%11 = 68719476736*x^36 - 601295421440*x^34 + 2409476653056*x^32 - 5858335391744* x^30 + 9652938997760*x^28 - 11402534191104*x^26 + 9961891430400*x^24 - 654638579 7120*x^22 + 3259084308480*x^20 - 1228623052800*x^18 + 348109864960*x^16 - 730300 41600*x^14 + 11076222976*x^12 - 1171523584*x^10 + 81861120*x^8 - 3472896*x^6 + 7
7520*x^4 - 684*x^2 + 1 ? polchebyshev(37,2)%12 = 137438953472*x^37 - 1236950581248*x^35 + 5111011082240*x^33 - 128505421496 32*x^31 + 21968757719040*x^29 - 27028229193728*x^27 + 24705490747392*x^25 - 1707 7528166400*x^23 + 9001280471040*x^21 - 3621204787200*x^19 + 1105760747520*x^17 - 253170810880*x^15 + 42600857600*x^13 - 5112102912*x^11 + 418401280*x^9 - 218296
32*x^7 + 651168*x^5 - 9120*x^3 + 38*x ? polchebyshev(38,2)%13 = 274877906944*x^38 - 2542620639232*x^36 + 10823317585920*x^34 - 28110560952 320*x^32 + 49795850829824*x^30 - 63709397385216*x^28 + 60813515685888*x^26 - 441 16947763200*x^24 + 24548946739200*x^22 - 10501493882880*x^20 + 3440144547840*x^1 8 - 854451486720*x^16 + 158231756800*x^14 - 21300428800*x^12 + 2008326144*x^10 -
125520384*x^8 + 4775232*x^6 - 95760*x^4 + 760*x^2 - 1 ? polchebyshev(39,2)%14 = 549755813888*x^39 - 5222680231936*x^37 + 22883585753088*x^35 - 61332132986 880*x^33 + 112442243809280*x^31 - 149387552489472*x^29 + 148655260565504*x^27 - 112939386273792*x^25 + 66175421644800*x^23 - 30004268236800*x^21 + 1050149388288 0*x^19 - 2814663720960*x^17 + 569634324480*x^15 - 85201715200*x^13 + 9128755200*
x^11 - 669442048*x^9 + 31380096*x^7 - 842688*x^5 + 10640*x^3 - 40*x ? polchebyshev(40,2)%15 = 1099511627776*x^40 - 10720238370816*x^38 + 48309792145408*x^36 - 133487583 559680*x^34 + 252995048570880*x^32 - 348570955808768*x^30 + 361019918516224*x^28 - 286692288233472*x^26 + 176467791052800*x^24 - 84557483212800*x^22 + 315044816 48640*x^20 - 9069471989760*x^18 + 1993720135680*x^16 - 328635187200*x^14 + 39557 939200*x^12 - 3347210240*x^10 + 188280576*x^8 - 6460608*x^6 + 117040*x^4 - 840*x
^2 + 1 ? polchebyshev(41,2)%16 = 2199023255552*x^41 - 21990232555520*x^39 + 101842264522752*x^37 - 28985875 2872448*x^35 + 567322230128640*x^33 - 809584155426816*x^31 + 871427389521920*x^2 9 - 722039837032448*x^27 + 465874968379392*x^25 - 235290388070400*x^23 + 9301323 1534080*x^21 - 28640437862400*x^19 + 6802103992320*x^17 - 1226904698880*x^15 + 1 64317593600*x^13 - 15823175680*x^11 + 1046003200*x^9 - 44301312*x^7 + 1076768*x^
5 - 12320*x^3 + 42*x ? polchebyshev(42,2)%17 = 4398046511104*x^42 - 45079976738816*x^40 + 214404767416320*x^38 - 62802729 7890304*x^36 + 1268132043816960*x^34 - 1872163359424512*x^32 + 2091425734852608* x^30 - 1805099592581120*x^28 + 1218442224992256*x^26 - 647048567193600*x^24 + 27 0583946280960*x^22 - 88785357373440*x^20 + 22673679974400*x^18 - 4447529533440*x ^16 + 657270374400*x^14 - 71204290560*x^12 + 5439216640*x^10 - 276883200*x^8 + 8
614144*x^6 - 141680*x^4 + 924*x^2 - 1 ? polchebyshev(43,2)%18 = 8796093022208*x^43 - 92358976733184*x^41 + 450799767388160*x^39 - 13578968 60303360*x^37 + 2826122840506368*x^35 - 4311648948977664*x^33 + 4992435625132032 *x^31 - 4481626574684160*x^29 + 3158924287016960*x^27 - 1759972102766592*x^25 + 776458280632320*x^23 - 270583946280960*x^21 + 73987797811200*x^19 - 156971630592 00*x^17 + 2541445447680*x^15 - 306726174720*x^13 + 26701608960*x^11 - 1599769600
*x^9 + 61529600*x^7 - 1360128*x^5 + 14168*x^3 - 44*x ? polchebyshev(44,2)%19 = 17592186044416*x^44 - 189115999977472*x^42 + 946679511515136*x^40 - 293019 8488023040*x^38 + 6280272978903040*x^36 - 9891429941772288*x^34 + 11857034609688 576*x^32 - 11054678884220928*x^30 + 8122948166615040*x^28 - 4738386430525440*x^2 6 + 2199965128458240*x^24 - 811751838842880*x^22 + 236760952995840*x^20 - 540680 06092800*x^18 + 9530420428800*x^16 - 1270722723840*x^14 + 124607508480*x^12 - 86
38755840*x^10 + 399942400*x^8 - 11334400*x^6 + 170016*x^4 - 1012*x^2 + 1 ? polchebyshev(45,2)%20 = 35184372088832*x^45 - 387028092977152*x^43 + 1985717999763456*x^41 - 63111 96743434240*x^39 + 13918442818109440*x^37 - 22608982724050944*x^35 + 28025718168 354816*x^33 - 27101793393573888*x^31 + 20727522907914240*x^29 - 1263569714806784 0*x^27 + 6159902359683072*x^25 - 2399961958318080*x^23 + 744105852272640*x^21 - 182123809996800*x^19 + 34758003916800*x^17 - 5082890895360*x^15 + 555941191680*x ^13 - 43979120640*x^11 + 2399654400*x^9 - 84198400*x^7 + 1700160*x^5 - 16192*x^3
+ 46*x ? polchebyshev(46,2)%21 = 70368744177664*x^46 - 791648371998720*x^44 + 4160551999504384*x^42 - 13569 072998383616*x^40 + 30767084124241920*x^38 - 51498238427004928*x^36 + 6594286627 8481920*x^34 - 66060621396836352*x^32 + 52509724700049408*x^30 - 333943424627507 20*x^28 + 17058191149891584*x^26 - 6999889045094400*x^24 + 2299963543388160*x^22 - 601008572989440*x^20 + 123584013926400*x^18 - 19696202219520*x^16 + 238260510 7200*x^14 - 212565749760*x^12 + 13438064640*x^10 - 568339200*x^8 + 14734720*x^6
- 202400*x^4 + 1104*x^2 - 1 ? polchebyshev(47,2)%22 = 140737488355328*x^47 - 1618481116086272*x^45 + 8708132091985920*x^43 - 291 23863996530688*x^41 + 67845364991918080*x^39 - 116914919672119296*x^37 + 1544947 15281014784*x^35 - 160146960962027520*x^33 + 132121242793672704*x^31 - 875162078 33415680*x^29 + 46752079447851008*x^27 - 20159680449871872*x^25 + 69998890450944 00*x^23 - 1946122998251520*x^21 + 429291837849600*x^19 - 74150408355840*x^17 + 9 848101109760*x^15 - 981072691200*x^13 + 70855249920*x^11 - 3536332800*x^9 + 1136
67840*x^7 - 2104960*x^5 + 18400*x^3 - 48*x ? polchebyshev(48,2)%23 = 281474976710656*x^48 - 3307330976350208*x^46 + 18207912555970560*x^44 - 62 408279992565760*x^42 + 149259802982219776*x^40 - 264596923468480512*x^38 + 36048 7668989034496*x^36 - 386236788202536960*x^34 + 330303106984181760*x^32 - 2275421 40366880768*x^30 + 126898501358452736*x^28 - 57377552049635328*x^26 + 2099966713 5283200*x^24 - 6192209539891200*x^22 + 1459592248688640*x^20 - 271884830638080*x ^18 + 39392404439040*x^16 - 4344750489600*x^14 + 354276249600*x^12 - 20510730240
*x^10 + 795674880*x^8 - 18944640*x^6 + 239200*x^4 - 1200*x^2 + 1 ? polchebyshev(49,2)%24 = 562949953421312*x^49 - 6755399441055744*x^47 + 38034306228027392*x^45 - 13 3524692077117440*x^43 + 327643469960970240*x^41 - 597039211928879104*x^39 + 8378 90257650188288*x^37 - 926968291686088704*x^35 + 820753174930391040*x^33 - 587205 523527434240*x^31 + 341313210550321152*x^29 - 161507183547121664*x^27 + 62159014 720438272*x^25 - 19384308124876800*x^23 + 4865307495628800*x^21 - 97306149912576 0*x^19 + 152935217233920*x^17 - 18537602088960*x^15 + 1689625190400*x^13 - 11187 6710400*x^11 + 5127682560*x^9 - 151557120*x^7 + 2583360*x^5 - 20800*x^3 + 50*x
? polchebyshev(50,2)%25 = 1125899906842624*x^50 - 13792273858822144*x^48 + 79375943432404992*x^46 - 285257296710205440*x^44 + 717695219914506240*x^42 - 1343338226839977984*x^40 + 1 940377438768857088*x^38 - 2214424252361211904*x^36 + 2027743138063319040*x^34 - 1504714154039050240*x^32 + 910168561467523072*x^30 - 449912868452696064*x^28 + 1 81695581490511872*x^26 - 59768283385036800*x^24 + 15922824531148800*x^22 - 34057 15246940160*x^20 + 577755265105920*x^18 - 76467608616960*x^16 + 7724000870400*x^ 14 - 578029670400*x^12 + 30766095360*x^10 - 1098789120*x^8 + 24111360*x^6 - 2808
00*x^4 + 1300*x^2 - 1 ?
Pari svn on cygwin32 breaks on ellsea,ideal and aurifeuille(STATIC)I covered ellsea and ideal earlier. aurifeuille should work fine. The aurifeuille problem is probably caused by the use of 'install'. Is the test 'program' passing ? Is install working correctly ? Maybe 'install' on cygwin cannot cope with long symbol names like 'factor_Aurifeuille_prime' but work fine with 'addii'. Thanks for performing all these tests! Cheers,Bill.