Karim Belabas on Thu, 10 Apr 2014 01:12:47 +0200 |
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Re: index calculus vs pollard rho |
* Bill Allombert [2014-04-09 23:43]: > On Thu, Apr 03, 2014 at 05:28:24PM +0200, Bill Allombert wrote: > > On Thu, Apr 03, 2014 at 03:22:02PM +0200, Pascal Molin wrote: > > > The following znlog uses index calculus on a 46 bits subgroup, but p itself > > > is large, > > > this is slow (and memory-demanding) > > > > > > *gp* > p=nextprime(2^120); znlog(Mod(3,p),Mod(2,p),p-1) > > > > > > time = 51,617 ms. > > > > > > %21 = 391862826185609110238504885400229618 > > > > > > while the same is easier to compute with pollard > > > > The issue is that the threshold for Pohlig-Hellman algorithm is set to 27 bits > > independently of the size of p. > > I join some benchmarks: > [27,29]:4:8 means we are computing in (Z/lZ)* with l of 29 bits in a subgroup of > order p of 27 bit. The number after the first colon is the time for > Shanks/Pollard rho and the second for the linear sieve. > (Remember that Pollard rho has probabilistic running time). > > The thresholds are about: > p -> l > 27 -> 29 [...] > 50 ->115 A simple linear regression on your threshold data yields log_2(l) ~ a * log_2(p) + b for a = 3.88, b = -78.78 (max. error ~ 5.55). Switching to a linear sieve when log_2(p) >= 27 and log_2(l) <= a * log_2(p) + b will recover something close to your thresholds. In fact, assuming your linear sieve implementation follow the theoretical model, the threshold should rather be determined by something resembling sqrt(p) ~ exp(C*(log l log log l)^(1/2)) that would yield log(p) ~ 2C * (log l log log l)^(1/2) A linear regression between (log_2(p))^2 and log_2(l) yields log_2(l) ~ A (log_2(p))^2 + B for A = 0.05, B = -6 These two models yield the following thresholds: ? for(P = 27, 50, printf("%d -> %3d\n",P, floor(a*P+b))) 27 -> 26 28 -> 29 29 -> 33 30 -> 37 31 -> 41 32 -> 45 33 -> 49 34 -> 53 35 -> 57 36 -> 60 37 -> 64 38 -> 68 39 -> 72 40 -> 76 41 -> 80 42 -> 84 43 -> 88 44 -> 92 45 -> 95 46 -> 99 47 -> 103 48 -> 107 49 -> 111 50 -> 115 ? for(P = 27, 50, printf("%d -> %3d\n",P, floor(A*P^2+B))) 27 -> 30 28 -> 33 29 -> 36 30 -> 39 31 -> 42 32 -> 45 33 -> 48 34 -> 51 35 -> 55 36 -> 58 37 -> 62 38 -> 66 39 -> 70 40 -> 74 41 -> 78 42 -> 82 43 -> 86 44 -> 91 45 -> 95 46 -> 100 47 -> 104 48 -> 109 49 -> 114 50 -> 119 Presumably, the second one will scale better :-) Cheers, K.B. -- Karim Belabas, IMB (UMR 5251) Tel: (+33) (0)5 40 00 26 17 Universite Bordeaux 1 Fax: (+33) (0)5 40 00 69 50 351, cours de la Liberation http://www.math.u-bordeaux1.fr/~kbelabas/ F-33405 Talence (France) http://pari.math.u-bordeaux1.fr/ [PARI/GP] `