John Jones on Thu, 08 May 2014 21:44:57 +0200 |
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Re: Factoring small numbers |
On 2014-05-08 18:45, Igor Schein wrote:┌───────┐ GAP, Version 4.7.4 of 20-Feb-2014 (free software, GPL)
gp takes under 3ms to factor 19180172397815991981. Hard to beat that IMO.
│ GAP │
└───────┘ Architecture: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc-default64
gap> t0 := Runtime();; for i in [1..1000] do FactorsInt(19180172397815991981); od; Runtime() - t0;
That's 51 microseconds(!) to factor 19180172397815991981 in GAP.
Beats PARI hands down.