Karim Belabas on Wed, 21 Jan 2015 21:49:22 +0100

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Re: Mixing variables in Mod expressions

* Karim Belabas [2015-01-20 11:51]:
> * Pascal Molin [2015-01-20 11:39]:
> > What suprises me is that the moduli is removed in the result.
> The moduli is not removed, but indeed not printed:
> A 0 t_POLMOD is printed as 0 and omitted in polynomial coefficients.
> For t_INTMOD, 0 is still explicitly written as Mod(0, N) [ but still omitted
> when a polynomial coefficient ]
> I don't see any rationale for this. I can fix the discrepancy, and
> explicitly write Mod(0, x) above instead of 0.

Done in master. Now we have

\\ 0 by itself is printed verbosely
(21:26) gp >  Mod(x,x^2-3) + Mod(x,x^2-5)
%1 = Mod(0, 1)

(21:26) gp > Mod(1,2)+Mod(1,3)
%2 = Mod(0, 1)

\\ ... but not as polynomial coefficients
(21:26) gp > (x^100+1)*Mod(1,2)
%3 = Mod(1, 2)*x^100 + Mod(1, 2)

(21:26) gp > (x^100+1)*Mod(1,y)
%4 = Mod(1, y)*x^100 + Mod(1, y)

* Aurel.Page@math.u-bordeaux1.fr [2015-01-20 11:21]:
> What about a warning when having to take gcd of moduli ? It would keep the
> current behaviour but a student should understand he is doing something
> wrong.

If we consider an operation as legitimate (and here I do, PARI philosophy...)
there should be no warning. OTOH it's *probably* a mistake when the "base ring"
suddenly changes in this way.

Maybe a warning when 'debug' is non-zero ? As in

  (21:32) gp > f(x)=0;
  (21:32) gp > \g1
     debug = 1
  (21:32) gp > f(y)
    ***   Warning: compiler generates copy for `y'.
  %1 = 0
Here the copy optimizer tells us it had to generate a copy of 'y' when
calling user function 'f', although it would probably be alright not to.
The user can then rewrite his code as e.g.
thereby killing the warning and producing faster bytecode:
  ? y=vector(10^5);
  ? for(i=1,1000,f(y))
    ***   Warning: compiler generates copy for `y'.
  time = 884 ms.
  ? my(y=y);for(i=1,1000,f(y))
  time = 12 ms.

Something like

  ? Mod(1,2)+Mod(1,3)
  %1 = Mod(0, 1)
  ? \g1
     debug = 1
  ? Mod(1,2)+Mod(1,3)
    *** _+_: Warning: coercing quotient rings; moduli 2 and 3 -> 1.
  %2 = Mod(0, 1)


Karim Belabas, IMB (UMR 5251)  Tel: (+33) (0)5 40 00 26 17
Universite de Bordeaux         Fax: (+33) (0)5 40 00 69 50
351, cours de la Liberation    http://www.math.u-bordeaux.fr/~kbelabas/
F-33405 Talence (France)       http://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/  [PARI/GP]