Karim Belabas on Sat, 24 Jan 2015 12:59:34 +0100

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Re: Install Perl scripts with #!/usr/bin/env perl

* Bill Allombert [2015-01-24 12:29]:
> On Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 10:49:43AM +0100, Karim Belabas wrote:
> > C) For install, we can either
> > 
> > * provide
> > 
> >   Configure --installed-perl=<run-time perl binary>
> > 
> > with Configure's current $perl as a default [ build-machine = target is
> > a sensible default ]. Of course, "/usr/bin/env perl" is (now) a valid value;
> This is a very awkward name for a  Configure option.
> Either we should use
> --with-perl=<run-time perl binary>

I don't feel strongly about it :-) To avoid the confusion with the
build-time binary ...

--with-runtime-perl ?

> or an environment variable
> PERL=<run-time perl binary>

Don't understand that one. Who must set the variable ? 

If the packager, then it's awkward (obscure + must change the variable
each time a new target is built, effectively the same as Configure --with-perl)

If the user (preferred perl runtime), then either he can already do it
via PATH if the packager used '/usr/bin/env perl' or I don't see how it
would work (or it would require using hacks of the "eval 'exec $PERL if
$running_under_some_shell'" kind)


Karim Belabas, IMB (UMR 5251)  Tel: (+33) (0)5 40 00 26 17
Universite de Bordeaux         Fax: (+33) (0)5 40 00 69 50
351, cours de la Liberation    http://www.math.u-bordeaux.fr/~kbelabas/
F-33405 Talence (France)       http://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/  [PARI/GP]