Bill Allombert on Sun, 08 Feb 2015 13:54:06 +0100

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Please test pari-2.7.3 prerelease 2

Dear PARI developers,

I have made a second prerelease of PARI 2.7.3 to address the following serious

   24- plotcopy would corrupt "string" objects (ROt_ST)                   [F81]
BA 25- [GP] default arguments to GP functions could cause corruption      [F82]
VBr26- [darwin] remove obsolete linker options that cause crashes [#1623] [F83]

Thanks to Volker Braun for fixing the compilation on Mac OS 10.10 Yosemite.

This second prerelease includes Windows binaries.

Windows installer:
basic windows binary:
basic windows binary with readline

The expected release date is set to the 18/02/2015

Below is the changelog:

Done for version 2.7.3 (released 18/02/2015):
[last column crossreferences current development release 2.8.0]

    1- [from 2.7.2] ??bnrL1 and ??ellL1 did not work anymore
    2- thue(f^e*g, ...), e even, (f,g)=1 missed solutions such that f<0   [F22]
XR  3- bnrL1(bnrinit(bnfinit(x^2-168),[6,[1,1]],1)) -> bug in ArtinNumber [F55]
    4- nfisincl(t_POL, t_POL) could lead to wrong negative results        [F58]
    5- polresultant(1+x*z^2,1+y*z^4,z) -> GC error [#1614]                [F59]
BA  6- ellcard over non-prime fields could return wrong results           [F60]
    7- [libpari] FpX_roots could produce GC errors [#1618]                [F61]
    8- weber(1+I) was missing its imaginary part                          [F62]
    9- (1+I)*(1+1/2*I) => wrong result (type errors) [#1619]              [F63]
   10- contfracpnqn([a]) => [1,a;0,1] instead of [a,1;1,0]                [F64]
   11- primes([2^50, 2^50+200000]) => stack overflow                      [F65]
   12- issquare((x+1/2)^2,&z); z => 1.0*x+0.5 instead of x+1/2            [F66]
   13- possibly missing roots in nfroots (when using Trager)              [F68]
   14- quadray(bnf, ideal) did not work                                   [F69]
   15- thue(-14*x^3 + 10*x^2 + 63*x - 5,1) -> "short continued fraction"  [F70]
   16- thue(29*x^3+130*x^2-35*x-48,1) -> "round error" bug                [F71]
   17- T=thueinit(10*x^3+6*x^2-41*x+8,1); thue(T,8) => SEGV [#1630]       [F72]
   18- ellrootno(e,p = 2 or 3) when e not minimal at p => random result   [F73]
   19- agm(1,2+O(5)) -> SEGV [#1645]                                      [F76]
BA 20- [cygwin64] ellap(ellinit([0,0,1,-1,0]),10007) was broken           [F77]
   21- primes([-5,5]) -> [5] (spurious absolute values)                   [F78]
   22- matqr([;]) -> crash                                                [F79]
   23- Fp_rem_mBarrett could return a non-normalized result               [F80]
       p=436^56-35;Mod(271,p)^((p-1)/2) -> p+1
   24- plotcopy would corrupt "string" objects (ROt_ST)                   [F81]
BA 25- [GP] default arguments to GP functions could cause corruption      [F82]
VBr26- [darwin] remove obsolete linker options that cause crashes [#1623] [F83]

Thanks in advance for testing,