Jeroen Demeyer on Wed, 16 Mar 2016 10:54:39 +0100

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Re: Proposal to extend primes()

On 2016-03-16 10:32, Karim Belabas wrote:
To save two keystrokes (the [ and ]) at the expense of a (IMHO) more cryptic
interface ?
Well, I personally find primes([a,b]) more cryptic while primes(a,b) looks more natural for me. Also, I quite like the idea of being able to write primes(,n) for all primes <= n.

But you are right that there no fundamental reason to prefer primes(a,b) over primes([a,b]).

Currently a single argument describes the interval (as in e.g. polrealroots),
and I had thought about adding another optional one to specify an
arithmetic progression, e.g.

   primes([a,b], Mod(c,q))

That would certainly be useful mathematically. But again, I would prefer to see primes(a, b, Mod(c,q)) instead of primes([a,b], Mod(c,q)).