Jacques Gélinas on Mon, 30 Jan 2017 19:21:28 +0100
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Re: Number of 32-bit words in an integer
- To: "pari-dev@pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr" <pari-dev@pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr>
- Subject: Re: Number of 32-bit words in an integer
- From: Jacques Gélinas <jacquesg00@hotmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2017 18:21:18 +0000
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- Thread-topic: Number of 32-bit words in an integer
You first need the number of bits in a word, and this is what I use:
/* PARI/GP floating point [base, words, bits, meps] */
flpari(p=precision(1.)) = {
local( w = #precision(1.,p) );
[2, w, w*=64/#precision(1.,18), 2.>>w];
addhelp(flpari,"flpari(p): parameters of p-decimal PARI/GP floating-point arithmetic \
[base, words, bits, machine epsilon]")
Next, #(2^257-1) will give 5 on a 64-bit machine, but 9 on a 32-bit machine
while #(2^256-1) will give 4 on a 64-bit machine, but 8 on a 32-bit machine,
so maybe you can use
words(N=2^256-1) = round( #N / precision(1.,18) )
but there should be a simpler way avoiding the use of floating-point and rounding ?
Jacques Gélinas