Bill Allombert on Tue, 11 Dec 2018 15:47:48 +0100

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Re: bug in function airy_i in file hypergeom.c

On Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 03:13:24PM +0100, Peter wrote:
> Dear developers,
> I am absolutely new to the internals of the code. Therefore I can just
> describe the misbehavior of airy_i:

Hello Peter,

Please always include the output of \v in such bug report. This is
always helpful.

> the test file for hypergeometric functions contains the instruction
> "airy(-100)[2]" which should return
> airybi(-100) ~= 0.02427... but it returns 0.01213...

GIT version 425fb8e66 of Sunday gives

? airy(-100)[2]
%1 = 0.024273887680160131605667472886346834826

So I assume you used a newer version that gives incorrectly

? airy(-100)[2]
%1 = 0.012136943840080065802833736443173417357

Thanks for you report!
