Jérôme Raulin on Mon, 08 Apr 2019 19:59:33 +0200 |
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polylog(-v, z) wrong computation |
Dear all, polylog(-v, z) can be computed in different ways : sum_{k = 1}^{infinity} z^k k^v Or z * An(z) / (1 - z)^(v + 1) where An(z) is the nth Eulerian polynomial. Comparing these formulae with Pari internal implementation (in default precision on latest development version) : > phi = (sqrt(5) - 1) / 2 %1 = 0.61803398874989484820458683436563811772 > polylog(-70, phi) %2 = -8.286584156344620107 E117 is obviously wrong as it should be > 0 > suminf(k = 1, phi^k * (k * 1.0)^70) %3 = 4.2907022622606505026505656858632022776 E122 is correct (the 1.0 is needed to force floating point computation and avoid generating huge multiprecision integers) > A(n) = sum(k = 1, n, k! * stirling(n, k, 2) * (x - 1)^(n - k)); > subst(A(70), x, phi) * phi / (1 - phi)^71 %5 = 4.2907022622606505026505656858632022811 E122 is also correct. For smaller v values, the result of polylog is correct. Pari implementation uses the Eulerian formula (not with Stirling number but with a polynomial recurrence). A the end (1 - z)^(v + 1) is expanded symbolically to produce a rational function. Then z is substituted by x. The precision issue comes from the polynomial (1 - z)^(v + 1) which when expanded has very large coefficients with alternate sign. When evaluated with limited precision input massive cancellation happens. > subst((1 - x)^71, x, phi) %6 = -1.0912089477928565605 E-25 is obviously wrong as it should be > 0 > (1 - phi)^71 %7 = 2.1074393480002467167065256550693471284 E-30 is correct. A first fix could be to do the polynomial evaluations before the expansion of (1 - z)^(v + 1) and the polynomial division. It should solve the precision issue. Still when v gets larger we would start to face running time / complexity issue as the Eulerian polynomial coefficients grow very large (the largest coefficient of A70(z) is 100 digits long). For larger v a better approach could be to fall back on the infinite sum which still produce correct result very fast. > suminf(k = 1, phi^k * (k * 1.0)^(10^6)) %8 = 8.7885110079460873612767697901006283040 E5883372 Which produces similar result to polylog approximation for negative v : gamma(1 - v) * (-log(z))^(v - 1) > gamma(1-(-10^6))*(-log(phi))^(-10^6-1) %9 = 8.7885110079460873612767697901006026097 E5883372 I spotted the issue while solving the latest problem on a "famous mathematical / computer programming problems" website which requires the computation of log(polylog(-1234567, phi)). Using the infinite summation formula, Pari produced the correct result in 5 seconds. Cheers Jerome