Dominique Bernardi on Sun, 13 Oct 2019 20:29:30 +0200

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Re: Mac OS X Catalina issues?

Le 13 oct. 2019 à 20:12, Bill Allombert <> a écrit :

On Sun, Oct 13, 2019 at 08:03:58AM -0700, Watson Ladd wrote:

I'm getting reports that Pari is crashing on Mac OS X Catalina with
calculations. I'm wondering if people have experienced this with
builds from source or binaries, or if it's a "feature" of the way I'm
building it in macports.

I do not have access to such system yet.

I do, and I have the same problem, even when configuring with —without-readline
and —without-gmp

The only input which doesn’t crash is an empty input.

What could be tried is to disable readline by doing

gp --default readline=0

This fix a SIGILL at startup.
