Bill Allombert on Sun, 26 Sep 2021 11:29:23 +0200

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Re: Correctness of derivnum(X=1/2,zeta(X),41)

Le Sun, Sep 26, 2021 at 09:55:02AM +0300, Georgi Guninski a écrit :
> On mathoverflow [1] there is conjecture about the nearest integer to
> [zeta^(k)(1-1/B)]=-B^(k+1)*factorial(k)
> Answer of controversial theoretic result claims the explicit
> numerical counterexample k=41,B=2
> I couldn't compute the counterexample on mpmath with high precision
> due to internal error, but pari agrees the counterexample is correct:
> K=41;B=2;T=derivnum(X=1-1/B,zeta(X),K);(round(T)+B^(K+1)*factorial(K))
> %16 = 3.00....
> Is it plausible that the pari computation is correct with high (what?)
> precision?

You can do it simply using lfun (1 is for zeta):
With 1000 decimals, bot methods gives


So there is little doubt the counterexample is correct.
