Bill Allombert on Thu, 18 Jul 2024 14:05:30 +0200

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Re: OT On an integer factoring algorithm based on smooth class number of quadratic fields

On Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 02:35:22PM +0300, Georgi Guninski wrote:
> > See Henri Cohen GTM 138, pp 473,
> > The class group method of Schorr-Lenstra

Oups, I made a spelling error, it is "Schnorr-Lenstra"

> Many thanks! I am searching for free copy.
> When you write "Q( v' - N", do you mean Q(sqrt(-N))?


> Does the Schorr-Lenstra work for all class groups, including degree>2?

If you means field of degree>2, then there are various obstructions that
would make the algorithm unpratical. At the very least you would need to
chose a CM field.
