Ilya Zakharevich on Wed, 27 Jan 1999 04:10:12 -0500

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[PATCH 2.0.12] Colors in ANSI console

This enables colors in an ANSI console.  Colors 0..7 are bright ones,
8..15 are dimmer ones.  To change background to color 3, add 300
(decimal) to the color id.

The patch is wrt 2.0.12.


P.S.  I did it only if __EMX__ is defined, probably it is wise to
      create a new define (USE_ANSI_COLORS) and set it from Configure.

      Btw, ANSI colors should be supported by color xterms and linux
      consoles too, thus I do not know why not use them by default.

      Just in case I disable ANSI colors if term name starts with x,
      but since color xterm supports them, maybe it is not that wise.

--- ./src/language/init.c~	Sun Nov  8 21:26:30 1998
+++ ./src/language/init.c	Wed Jan 27 03:57:32 1999
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ GEN     gpi=NULL, geuler=NULL, bernzone=
 GEN     primetab; /* private primetable */
 byteptr diffptr;
 char    *current_logfile, *current_psfile;
-char    gp_colors[c_LAST];
+int    gp_colors[c_LAST];
 int     disable_color = 1, added_newline = 1, under_emacs = 0;
 int     functions_tblsz = 135; /* size of functions_hash          */
--- ./src/language/es.c~	Wed Jan 27 03:03:14 1999
+++ ./src/language/es.c	Wed Jan 27 03:53:12 1999
@@ -249,13 +249,27 @@ char *
 term_get_color(int c)
   static char s[16];
+  int c0 = 0, c2 = 107;
+  static char *t = (char *)1;
   if (disable_color) return "";
   if (c == c_NONE) return "\033[0m"; /* reset */
   c = gp_colors[c];
+#ifdef __EMX__
+  if (t == (char *)1) {
+      t = getenv("TERM");
+  }
+  if (!t || *t != 'x') {
+    c2 = 40 + c/100;
+    c  = c % 100;
+    c0 = c/8;
+    c0 = !c0;			/* Default is to use bright colors */
+    c  = 30 + c % 8;
+  } else
   if (c<8) c += 30; else c += 82;
-  sprintf(s, "\033[0;%d;%dm", c, 107);
+  sprintf(s, "\033[%d;%d;%dm", c0, c, c2);
   return s;
--- ./src/language/anal.h~	Wed Jan 27 03:56:16 1999
+++ ./src/language/anal.h	Wed Jan 27 03:56:32 1999
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ extern entree  functions_gp[];
 extern entree  gp_member_list[];
 extern char   *helpmessages_highlevel[];
 extern entree  functions_highlevel[];
-extern char    gp_colors[];
+extern int    gp_colors[];
 extern int     disable_color,added_newline;
 /* Variables containing the list of old PARI fonctions (up to 1.39.15) */