Karim BELABAS on Wed, 2 Jun 1999 16:42:43 +0200 (MET DST) |
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Re: idealval and galoisapply in 2.15 |
[Paul van Wamenlen:] > The following computes a set of representatives for the galois group > modulo the decomposition group for a prime above 11 in the 5'th roots > of unity. In version 2.14 it worked, in 2.15 it fails. Also, according > to the documentation, nfgaloisapply can take a prime ideal in primedec > form as a third argument. But gp gives an error message. Which message? In 2.0.15, I get, eg. ? nfgaloisapply(bnf,gal[3],PPs[1]) %1 = [11, [5, -1, -1, -1]~, 1, 1, [4, 2, 3, -3]~] If you mean ? nfgaloisapply(bnf,gal[3],PPs) *** incorrect type in galoisapply. then this is intended. [Use: vector(length(PPs), i, nfgaloisapply(bnf,gal[3],PPs[i]))] ============================================================== I notice two bugs though: * idealval(nf,I,P) doesn't accept primes in primedec form for I. * a typo in nfgaloisapply (!= --> ==) hence the result was not necessarily in HNF form. Patches follow. ============================================================== Some comments about the program: > bnf = bnfinit(polcyclo(5)); > PPs = idealprimedec(bnf,11);\ > P = idealmul(bnf,1,PPs[1]);\ Better: P = idealhnf(bnf,PPs[1]); > gal = nfgaloisconj(bnf);\ Here, it's irrelevant since the field is quite simple, but you might want to try (and test...) nfgaloisconj(bnf, 4) which will be much quicker than the default when it applies (and return 0 quickly if it doesn't). > GmodD = vector(length(PPs),k,0);\ > for(i=1,length(gal),\ > dum2 = nfgaloisapply(bnf,gal[i],P);\ > for(j=1,length(PPs),\ > if(idealval(bnf,dum2,PPs[j]) == 1,\ > GmodD[j] = gal[i])));\ > GmodD A (slightly) better approach, using the fact that two ideals are equal iff their HNF (on a fixed basis) coincide: { HNFs = Set(vector(length(PPs), i, idealhnf(bnf,PPs[i]))); GmodD = vector(length(gal), i, if (setsearch(HNFs, nfgaloisapply(bnf,gal[i],P)), gal[i] ) ); } Karim. *** src/basemath/base1.c.orig Thu May 27 15:03:39 1999 --- src/basemath/base1.c Wed Jun 2 16:33:00 1999 *************** *** 631,637 **** if (lg(x[1])!=N+1) err(typeer,"galoisapply"); p1=cgetg(lx,t_MAT); for (j=1; j<lx; j++) p1[j]=(long)galoisapply(nf,aut,(GEN)x[j]); ! if (lg(x)!=N+1) p1 = idealhermite(nf,p1); return gerepileupto(av,p1); } err(typeer,"galoisapply"); --- 631,637 ---- if (lg(x[1])!=N+1) err(typeer,"galoisapply"); p1=cgetg(lx,t_MAT); for (j=1; j<lx; j++) p1[j]=(long)galoisapply(nf,aut,(GEN)x[j]); ! if (lx==N+1) p1 = idealhermite(nf,p1); return gerepileupto(av,p1); } err(typeer,"galoisapply"); *** src/basemath/base4.c.orig Thu May 27 18:42:43 1999 --- src/basemath/base4.c Wed Jun 2 15:59:47 1999 *************** *** 608,619 **** nf=checknf(nf); checkprimeid(vp); if (is_extscalar_t(tx) || tx==t_COL) return element_val(nf,ix,vp); ! ! if (typ(ix)==t_VEC && lg(ix)==3) ix = (GEN) ix[1]; ! N=lgef(nf[1])-3; checkid(ix,N); p=(GEN)vp[1]; ! denx=denom(ix); if (!gcmp1(denx)) ix=gmul(denx,ix); if (lg(ix) != N+1) ix=idealmat_to_hnf(nf,ix); for (d=gun,i=1; i<=N; i++) d=mulii(d,gcoeff(ix,i,i)); v=ggval(d,p); vd=ggval(denx,p); e=itos((GEN)vp[3]); if (!v) return -vd*e; --- 610,625 ---- nf=checknf(nf); checkprimeid(vp); if (is_extscalar_t(tx) || tx==t_COL) return element_val(nf,ix,vp); ! p=(GEN)vp[1]; N=lgef(nf[1])-3; ! tx = idealtyp(&ix,&a); denx=denom(ix); if (!gcmp1(denx)) ix=gmul(denx,ix); + if (tx != id_MAT) + ix = idealhermite_aux(nf,ix); + else + { + checkid(ix,N); if (lg(ix) != N+1) ix=idealmat_to_hnf(nf,ix); + } for (d=gun,i=1; i<=N; i++) d=mulii(d,gcoeff(ix,i,i)); v=ggval(d,p); vd=ggval(denx,p); e=itos((GEN)vp[3]); if (!v) return -vd*e; __ Karim Belabas email: Karim.Belabas@math.u-psud.fr Dep. de Mathematiques, Bat. 425 Universite Paris-Sud Tel: (00 33) 1 69 15 57 48 F-91405 Orsay (France) Fax: (00 33) 1 69 15 60 19 -- PARI/GP Home Page: http://hasse.mathematik.tu-muenchen.de/ntsw/pari/