Thomas Baruchel on Tue, 24 Sep 2002 09:35:07 +0200

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How to plot in a dumb terminal ?

Brest, le mardi 24 septembre


I'm always working in text/mode; what I like with gnuplot
is that you can type 'set terminal dumb' and have your
graphics in text/mode. Pari-GP seems to do the same:
if I type 'plot(x=0,1,x^2)' I have what I want.

how can I have the following specifications:

plot a function, say f(x) with
  x ONLY AN INTEGER from 0 to 100
    (because f(x) returns incoherent values if x isn't an integer;
    please, don't answer something like plot(x=0,100,f(round(x)))
    because f is quite long to compute, and I really don't want
    f(6) to be computed twice)
  the graphic should be in text/mode

Is there some README on internet that could help me to use the
plotting functions (text or html wanted; I know that almost
eveything concerning GP is in PDF, but I can't see it, just
print it :-(

'\   (define Thomas_Baruchel
  \    ((lambda (k) (k k))
  /\     (call-with-current-continuation
 /  \      (lambda (k) (k k)))))              thomas.baruchel #