Michael Somos on Tue, 24 Sep 2002 09:44:11 -0400

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Re: How to plot in a dumb terminal ?

Thomas Baruchel asked about the following :

> plot a function, say f(x) with
>   x ONLY AN INTEGER from 0 to 100
>     (because f(x) returns incoherent values if x isn't an integer;
>     please, don't answer something like plot(x=0,100,f(round(x)))
>     because f is quite long to compute, and I really don't want
>     f(6) to be computed twice)
>   the graphic should be in text/mode

Perhaps the following code can be modified to do what is wanted :

  for(j=1,fi,print1(" "));print("+");
? ploti(1,20,0,5,75,"sqrt")

Shalom, Michael