Jeroen Demeyer on Tue, 28 Sep 2004 20:19:47 +0200

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Re: Getting the variable of a polynomial

Ariel Pacetti wrote:
We wrote (with Fernando Villegas) a stupid function for doing this (and some easy polynomials computations). You can found them in the web page:

(the routine name is polynomials). Most routine are documented. This specific one is "variables" (you can modify the routine or the name)

? variables(x^2-t)
%1 = [t, x]

Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't know if this is what I want. I just want the main variable of a t_POL.

For instance, I want to implement polfrobenius(), which raises all coefficients of a polynomial to a certain power. The idea would be to convert the polynomial to a vector using Vec(), then raise all elements to the desired power, then convert back to a polynomial using Pol(). This works fine, except that the variable changes.