Narayan Mandaleeka on Wed, 20 Apr 2005 23:35:32 +0200

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Unable to build on IA64 box running RH 4.0

I am trying to build the shared libary
on an IA64 box running RH 4.0, I am facing the
following problem while linking the files.
Can someone tell me how I could fix this issue.

Attached is the output :

/usr/bin/ld -o -shared -soname -lc -lm  kernel.o mp.o alglin1.o
alglin2.o arith1.o arith2.o base1.o base2.o base3.o
base4.o base5.o bibli1.o bibli2.o buch1.o buch2.o
buch3.o buch4.o galconj.o gen1.o gen2.o gen3.o
ifactor1.o polarit1.o polarit2.o polarit3.o rootpol.o
subgroup.o trans1.o trans2.o trans3.o elliptic.o
galois.o kummer.o mpqs.o nffactor.o stark.o subfield.o
thue.o anal.o compat.o errmsg.o es.o helpmsg.o init.o
sumiter.o mpinl.o
/usr/bin/ld: polarit3.o: @gprel relocation against
dynamic symbol SQR_LIMIT
/usr/bin/ld: polarit3.o: @gprel relocation against
dynamic symbol MUL_LIMIT
/usr/bin/ld: polarit3.o: @gprel relocation against
dynamic symbol MUL_LIMIT
/usr/bin/ld: polarit3.o: @gprel relocation against
dynamic symbol SQR_LIMIT
/usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Nonrepresentable
section on output
make[1]: *** [] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [install] Error 2
