cino hilliard on Wed, 02 Sep 2009 16:14:24 +0200

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RE: Euler-Maclaurin sumation function

> Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2009 11:50:58 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Euler-Maclaurin sumation function
> On Sat, Aug 01, 2009 at 11:34:01PM -0500, cino hilliard wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I understand the Euler-Maclaurin sumation formula is used in the Pari
> > zeta() function. I checked the code but do not quite understand it.
> >
> >
> >
> > Can someone build a Pari script that will do this. Mathematica has a
> > function Nsum that does this but I can't afford even the $295 price
> > for the home edition.
> ... a Pari script that will do what ?

Just as noted above an Nsum function as in Mathematica or an eulermac function
as in Maple to approximate the sums of functions. Actually, I would prefer a built-in
function eulermac(x=a,b,f(x)) which would be the  Euler-Maclaurin sumation formula 
as is also noted above to quickly approximate the sum of functions like (x-1)/log(x), x=2,n.
The sum() function in Pari is too slow for large n.
A poster in the primenumbers group was kind enough to write the script template
below which I modified slightly to get more output. I am able to modify the script
to do various functions. However, I was unable to generalize it into a crisp eulermac()
function as in Mathematica and Maple. 

As previously noted, a built-in, optimized function would be preferred. Yes, it
is quite a challenge but it would greatly enhance the functionality of Pari.
Cheers and Roebuck,
Cino Hilliard

\\ f(x,lx) = x/lx - 1/lx + a/lx^2 - b/lx^3; \\ modify at will
 f(x,lx) = (x-1)/lx;
 a=1; b=1; m=2; \\ chosen values
 for(n=1,2*terms-1, \\ store odd derivatives
\\ fx(x)=f(x,log(x));
\\ dx(y)=subst(subst(d,x,y),lx,log(y));
 emac(m,n) =
\\ s=sum(k=2,trunc-1,fx(k));
 sm(m,n) = \\ as requested
\\   for(k=1,20,print([k,sm(m, 10^k)]))