Jeff on Fri, 26 Nov 2010 21:35:57 +0100

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Question regarding error()

PARI users,

Iâve started using PARI for class, and although I like it, it has its
quirks.  Can you help with this?

In a file:

errmsg = ""  \\ last error message
errno  = 0   \\ last error indicator

errget() = error( errmsg )  \\ Problem with this - once error() is called,
errno and errmsg are kill()ed.

errset( msg ) =
    errmsg = concat( "        ", msg );
    errno  = 1;

In another file:

LJ(m,n) =
    if( n < 1  ||  !bitand(n,1),
        errset( "LJ(m,n): 2nd parameter must be a positive odd integer." );
... this function continues

So, you might be able to tell that Iâm trying to implement some rudimentary
error handling.  Letâs say I comment out errget() in LJ().  errset() does
what I expect, and if I call errget() from the GP shell it does what I
expect.  Now letâs uncomment errget() in LJ().  It seems to work correctly,
but then errno and errmsg are toast and have type t_POL.  Huh?  Just how
does that make any sense?  Oh, and hereâs something else, one of the
"quirks" I mentioned above: in LJ() I once called errset( "\n        "
"LJ(m..." but moved the "\n        " to concat() in errset(), but I had to
get rid of the \n to get the same effect.  It seems an implicit newline was
inserted.  I've seen this elsewhere while using print1()s, and that's

Jeff Tomsak