Charles Greathouse on Wed, 25 Jul 2012 15:13:01 +0200

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Re: install name collision

> You must make sure all install() and alias() commands are executed before any
> GP functions using the new symbols are defined.

Good to know. But isn't that what I'm doing? gp2c-run runs the install
commands before loading the .gprc file, doesn't it?

Charles Greathouse
Case Western Reserve University

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 6:41 AM, Bill Allombert
<> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 10:58:14PM -0400, Charles Greathouse wrote:
>> I wrote a .gp.c file which includes, among other things, a function
>> called vecsum. It was based on a gp2c conversion, and includes
>> GP;install("vecsum","G","vecsum","./");
>> in a comment so that gp2c-run will load it. (Yes, this is a silly
>> function, but I mention it up only for the bug report.)
>> Usually this procedure works fine, and indeed it seems to here:
>>   ***   at top-level: rec([23124110,141322
>>   ***                 ^--------------------
>>   ***   in function findrecd: ...max(c)==1&&vecmin(c)==0&&vecsum(c)==1)||c==[1
>>   ***                                                     ^--------------------
>>   ***   variable name expected.
>>   ***   Break loop: type 'break' to go back to GP
> You must make sure all install() and alias() commands are executed before any
> GP functions using the new symbols are defined. Otherwise the GP compiler use
> the old value of the symbol instead of the new one.
> ? f(a)=addii(a,123);
> ? install(addii,GG)
> ? f(5)
>   ***   at top-level: f(5)
>   ***                 ^----
>   ***   in function f: addii(a,123)
>   ***                  ^------------
>   ***   variable name expected.
> ...
> ? install(addii,GG)
> ? f(a)=addii(a,123);
> ? f(5)
> %2 = 128
> (by contrast, GP function are dynamic: you can define them after they are used
> in other functions, but this incurs some penalties).
> Cheers,
> Bill.