i wanted to compute mestre- nagao sum with pari as sieving method for finding high rank fibrations from an elliptic surface and asked my question and get this codes:
S(E, N) =
{ my (s = 0.0);
forprime(p = 2, N, my(a = ellap(E,p)); s += (2-a)/(p+1-a));
return (s);
for(t=-10,10, E=ellinit([0,t,0,t,1]); if(E==[],,print(t,": ",S(E,100))))
(for example in interval integers between -10 and 10 for y^2=x^3+t*x^2+t*x+1 )
it is completely working but i have two questions:
first: when i enlarge the interval pari although compute and print all cases but ater that i cant see all of them . how can fix this problem?
second: i really need to use rational intervals because integer numbers induce large coefficients and mwrank will be useless. i need this computations for$ t \in a/b$ witch where a and b are restricted and then print only curves that have large summations , for example in t=a/b witch 1<a,b,<1000 and just print curves with S(E_t,100)>3 with associated t value. can any body tell me the codes?
many thanks