R J Cano on Sat, 22 Apr 2017 18:27:22 +0200 |
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Re: 4 Gigabytes of RAM are not enough! |
Hi!, I had a wrong result... some things cannot be grouped inside a single "while" loop as I shown previously. But I fixed it... a little bit slower but correct. Cheers, Remy P.S.: Bonus feature, but beware with overflows when using w=1 option. Notice if 2<=m<n, how the first m!-1 terms given by Ticket1b(m) are the same corresponding values for Ticket1b(n), but multiplied/divided by B^(n-m);
/* (PARI) R. J. Cano, Apr 22 2017; Note: For a best performance, use this script with GP2C. */ Ticket1b(n,{B=10},{w=0})={ /* Computes a "final representation" (by default in decimal) for the first n!-1 terms of A217626, storing them as a "t_VECSMALL" object */ n=max(2,n); my(x0:vecsmall,x:vecsmall,y:vecsmall,i:small,j:small,k:small,u:small,t:small,Q:vecsmall,p:small,bb:small,m:small); x=Vecsmall(vector(n,i,i-1)); m=n!-1; Q=Vecsmall(0,m); k=0; bb=B; while(k++<=#Q, x0=x; if(w, /* Implements Schmuel Zak's algorithm -- Start */ u=1; r=k; while(u++<k,if(r%u,break,r\=u)); /* These 3 initial lines are an adaptation from the Charles Greathouse IV 's A055881 program. */ j=u; j\=2; i=0; while(i++<=j, t=x[i]; x[i]=x[1+u-i]; x[1+u-i]=t ) /* Implements Schmuel Zak's algorithm -- End */ , /* Implements Narayana Pandit's lex-order algorithm -- Start */ i=#x-1; while((x[i]>=x[i+1])&&i,i--); j=#x; while((x[i]>=x[j])&&(j>i),j--); t=x[j]; x[j]=x[i]; x[i]=t; u=#x; u-=i; u\=2; u++; while(u--, t=x[i+u]; x[i+u]=x[1+#x-u]; x[1+#x-u]=t; ) /* Implements Narayana Pandit's lex-order algorithm -- End */ ); y=x; r=0; while(r++<#y, y[r ]-= x0[r] ); r=0; while(r++<#y, y[r+1]+= y[r] ); p=1; r=0; while(r++<#y, Q[k ]+= y[#y-r]*p; p*=bb ) ); return(Q); }