Aleksandr Lenin on Fri, 02 Mar 2018 13:22:39 +0100 |
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Problem: the Tate pairing function does not preserve bilinearity properties |
Hi all, I've stumbled across the following problem and need an advice - am I missing something here, or did I understand something wrong? [Problem description] Consider a supersingular elliptic curve y^3 = x^2 + 1 defined over an extension field F_{59^2}. Consider two points P and Q belonging to to different subgroups of the 5-torsion. P = (28,51) is the point residing in the base field subgroup Q = (23*x+45,51) is the point obtained by applying the distortion map to P. I am checking for bilinearity property: e([2]P,Q) = e(P,Q)^2 First, I tried to make these calculations representing points as vectors whose elements are t_FFELT-s from F_{59^2}. GEN baseFieldSize = stoi(59); GEN modulus = FpX_to_mod(mkpoln(3,gen_1,gen_0,gen_1),baseFieldSize); GEN q = ffgen(modulus,0); GEN ell = ellinit( mkvec2(gen_0,gen_1), q, DEFAULTPREC ); GEN torder = stoi(5); GEN P = mkvec2(stoi(28),stoi(51)); // P GEN DP = mkvec2(stoi(18),stoi(13)); // [2]P GEN Q = mkvec2( FF_Z_add( FF_Z_mul(q,stoi(23)), stoi(45) ), FF_Z_add( FF_Z_mul(q,gen_0), stoi(51) ) ); GEN ep = FF_elltatepairing(ell,P,Q,torder); // e(P,Q) GEN edp = FF_elltatepairing(ell,DP,Q,torder); // e([2]P,Q) pari_printf("e(%Ps,%Ps) = %Ps\n", P, Q, ep); pari_printf("e(%Ps,%Ps) = %Ps\n", DP, Q, edp); pari_printf("e(%Ps,%Ps)^2 = %Ps\n", P, Q, FF_pow(ep,gen_2)); This produces the following output: e([28, 51],[23*x + 45, 51]) = 42*x + 26 e([18, 13],[23*x + 45, 51]) = 18*x + 37 e([28, 51],[23*x + 45, 51])^2 = x + 33 // not equal to 18*x+37 Next, I tried to represent the points as vectors with t_POL elements in the polynomial ring mod x^2 + 1. The modulus is irreducible in F_59: modulus = mkpoln(3,gen_1,gen_0,gen_1); P = mkvec2( mkpoln(1,stoi(28)), mkpoln(1,stoi(51)) ); DP = mkvec2( mkpoln(1,stoi(18)), mkpoln(1,stoi(13)) ); Q = mkvec2( mkpoln(2,stoi(23),stoi(45)), mkpoln(1,stoi(51)) ); ep = FpXQE_tatepairing(P,Q,torder,pol_0(0),modulus,baseFieldSize); edp = FpXQE_tatepairing(DP,Q,torder,pol_0(0),modulus,baseFieldSize); pari_printf("e(%Ps,%Ps) = %Ps\n", P, Q, ep); pari_printf("e(%Ps,%Ps) = %Ps\n", DP, Q, edp); pari_printf("e(%Ps,%Ps)^2 = %Ps\n", P, Q, FpXQ_pow(edp,gen_2,modulus,baseFieldSize)); The output is: e([28, 51],[23*x + 45, 51]) = 26*x + 47 e([18, 13],[23*x + 45, 51]) = 28*x + 51 e([28, 51],[23*x + 45, 51])^2 = 24*x + 47 // not equal to 28*x+51 For comparison, a similar code in Sage (which uses PARI for these computations), produces the correct result, the Sage's tate_pairing function is bilinear: baseFieldExtension.<x> = GF(59^2, modulus=x^2+1); EE = EllipticCurve(GF(59),[0,1]).base_extend(baseFieldExtension) P = EE(28,51) DP = EE(18,13) Q = EE(23*x+45,51) print("e({},{}) = {}".format(P,Q,P.tate_pairing(Q,P.order(),2,59))) print("e({},{}) = {}".format(DP,Q,DP.tate_pairing(Q,P.order(),2,59))); print("e({},{})^2 = {}".format(P,Q,P.tate_pairing(Q,P.order(),2,59) ** 2)) The output is: e((28 : 51 : 1),(23*x + 45 : 51 : 1)) = 40*x + 42 e((18 : 13 : 1),(23*x + 45 : 51 : 1)) = 56*x + 46 e((28 : 51 : 1),(23*x + 45 : 51 : 1))^2 = 56*x + 46 // e([2]P,Q) = e(P,Q)^2 I would greatly appreciate any help and/or pointers to what I might have missed. thanks, -- Aleksandr Lenin -- With kind regards, Aleksandr Lenin Researcher Information Security Research Institute Cybernetica AS Mäealuse 2/1, 12618 Tallinn, ESTONIA