Jacques Gélinas on Fri, 23 Mar 2018 23:18:24 +0100 |
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RE: Datatypes for sieve algorithms |
Thanks for the fast response with dvice and some speedups.
Note that I had to use Vec(Q) == GP for this to work (and change primes_zv back to primes for my standalone Windows GP).
Also, maybe "ANSI C long integer" would be more usefull in
# ?prime
prime(n): returns the n-th prime (n C-integer).
since C has so many kinds of long, short, signed, unsigned ints. The reason I mention this is because runaway computations cannot be stopped in my implementation of GP for Windows (no readline)
GP/PARI CALCULATOR Version 2.9.3 (released)
amd64 running mingw (x86-64/GMP-6.1.2 kernel) 64-bit version
GP 2.4.1 just gives a warning "*** prime: not enough precomputed primes".
Jacques Gélinas, Ottawa De : Bill Allombert <Bill.Allombert@math.u-bordeaux.fr>
Envoyé : 23 mars 2018 17:35 À : pari-users@pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr Objet : Re: Datatypes for sieve algorithms On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 08:44:55PM +0000, Jacques Gélinas wrote:
> A prime sieve algorithm is proposed in http://vixra.org/pdf/1803.0493v1.pdf > > From the list of even integers, [2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,...] > eliminate 4+2r + n(2+4r) where r,n=1,2,3,... [12,18,24,30,...], [18,28,38,...], ... > then subtract 3 from those remaining to get [_,1,3,5, 7, _,11,13, _,17,19,_,...] > The list of primes below 4(r^2+r+1) is said to be complete as this number is eliminated. > > In order to use PARI/GP to test this (unproven++) algorithm, what kind of datatypes/structures > are available and efficient ? Vectors of GP integers seem to me to be wasteful here !! > What is needed is an index for primes that could be used in vecextract([1..n]). You could try to use Vecsmall/vectorsmall. At least this would save some memory. But honestly, sieves are simpler to implement in C in general. > for(k=1,N/3-1, for(j=1,(N-2-k)/(1+2*k), P[k+j*(1+2*k)] = 0 )); in GP this will not make much of a difference, but in a sieve in general, multiplications needed to be avoided and replaced by additions. In fact this is the source of the efficiency of a sieve. You can do: my(l=1,m);for(k=1,N/3-1, l+=2; m=k; for(j=1,(N-2-k)/l, m+=l; P[m] = 0)); Please try the file in attachment. Cheers, Bill. |