Jacques Gélinas on Mon, 26 Nov 2018 17:52:13 +0100 |
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Learning with GP: Taylor coefficients of xi(s) - Lyness & Moler |
Using Pari/GP, we will plot the interpolation error as the number of nodes chosen by Gram in 1895 is increased. We must first accelerate the interpolation computations. Gram proceeded by stages. If log Xi(t) = a + b*t^2 + ... and a is known, then (log(Xi(t)) - a)/t^2 = b + c*t^2 + ... where b can be found by interpolation, and he repeated this process to evaluate the other parameters. He only needed the value at t=0 of each polynomial, which can be computed efficiently by Neville's algorithm [5]. We use a more general p-coefficients method, adapted from Algol procedures based on Vandermonde systems [6]. Both Gram and [6] suggest the transformation x=t^2 for even functions to halve the degree of interpolation: if g(x)=f(t^2), then f^(2k)(0)/(2k)! == g^(k)(0)/k! by Taylor. We finally plot the interpolation error for Xi(t) in fonction of the number of extra nodes used. It has the allure of a semi-convergent series: the infinite Newton's series probably diverges for Xi(t) which has too many zeros for the growth condition of Carlson's theorem [7]. \\------------------------------------------- Start cut /* Lowest p Coefficients of Interpolating Polynomial for f(x) based on X[1,...,N], N=p+m, m>=0 */ cip(f,X=[0],p=#X,m=0) = { local( N=p+m, C=vector(Cdim(N)) ); if(#X<N, error("cip: ",N-#X," nodes missing")); for(k=1, N, update(k,p,X,f(X[k])) ); C[N+1-p..N]; \\ constant term last for Pol() } Cdim(k=1) = 1 + (k-1)*(k+2)/2; /* Neville's interpolation algorithm */ update(k,p,X,fk) = { local( xk=X[k], m=Cdim(k), n, xkd ); C[m] = fk; for(d=2, k, xkd = xk - X[k-d+1]; for(s=1, min(p,d), n = m + d - 2; C[m--] = if(s==1, C[n]+(xk*(C[n-k] - C[n]))/xkd, if(s==d, (C[n+1] - C[n-k+1])/xkd, C[n]+(xk*(C[n-k] - C[n])+C[n+1] - C[n-k+1])/xkd ))); if(d>p, m -= d-p ));} /* Lucky seven test with even Legendre polynomials */ pt(n,t,j) = pollegendre(2*n,t); \\ even P(t) target tv(N=15) = concat(0,[k-1/2|k<-[1..N]]); \\ Gram nodes xv(N=15) = apply(sqr, tv(N)); \\ (x=t^2)-nodes px(n,x) = pt(n, sqrtint(4*x)/2); \\ Q(x)=P(sqrt(x)) cpxi(n,m) = cip(x->px(n,x),xv(n+m)); \\ m extra nodes pti(n,t,m) = subst(Pol(cpxi(n,m),x), x, t^2); print("Legendre test pti = pt ", if( 7*3 == sum(n=1,7,\ sum(m=0,2, pti(n,t,m)==pt(n,t) )), "passed", "failed" )); /* Error plots */ Xi(t) = if(t^2==-1/4, 1/2, xis(1/2-I*t)); xis(s) = Pi^(-s/2)*gamma(1+s/2)*(s-1)*zeta(s); ckn(k) = derivnum(t=0,Xi(I*t),k)/k!; \\ used as exact value cki(k,m) = cip(x->Xi(I*sqrtint(4*x)/2),xv(k/2+m),k/2+1,m)[1]; rer(x,y) = exponent( if(!x, y, 1-y/x) ); \\ Karim Belabas M = 16*[0..16]; \\ numbers of extra nodes for plot ple(k) = my( ck = ckn(k) );\ plothraw(M, [ rer(ck,cki(k,m))|m<-M ], 1); print("High-precision plots for k=4,20,36"); print("(coefficient error exponent/number of extra Gram nodes)"); localbitprec(640); forstep(k=4,36,16, ple(k)); \\-------------------------------------------- End paste ------------------------------ Features used [3,4] derivnum, exponent, for, forstep, localbitprec, min, Pol, plothraw, pollegendre, sqr, sqrtint, subst, sum, (global C) ------------------------------ References [5] Wikipedia (2018) Neville's algorithm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neville's_algorithm [6] Lyness & Moler (1966) Van Der Monde systems and numerical differentiation http://www.digizeitschriften.de/dms/img/?PID=GDZPPN001166115 [7] Wikipedia (2018) Carlson's_theorem http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlson's_theorem Jacques Gélinas Next: Taylor coefficients of xi(s) - Kreminski