Bill Allombert on Wed, 28 Jul 2021 16:24:53 +0200

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Re: Is it possible to do interval arithmetic, simulate passing intervals as function arguments, like in Giac?

On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 01:43:24PM +0000, Neven Sajko wrote:
> Hello,
> In Giac if I do this, the result is pretty much the same as in Pari:
> sin(i[0.01, 0.02])
> But, consider this Giac command:
> sin(i[0.01, 2 * Pi + 0.02])
> The result is the entire interval [-1 .. +1].
> Is there a way to do something like this (for any analytic function,
> not just sin)?

No, sorry. PARI does not support interval arithméric.
Your best bet is mpfi.
