Philippe de Rochambeau on Thu, 18 Nov 2021 21:05:24 +0100

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Re: GP runs on iOS

Hi Charles,
here are a few:
- turn the iSh Disable Screen Dimming Setting on 
- install git (apt get git)
- install gcc
- clone the GP Git Project one the iSh Command line
- ./Configure
- make install
- let the compiler run for about 48 hours (don't forget to let the iPad’s power cord plugged in overnight) 
- you might also want to enable iCloud access from iSh in case you’d like to share code with your MacOS version of GP
Best regards,

PS this is off-topic, but I have also managed to install the following compilers/interpreters on iSh:

- EclipseClp (constraint-programming Prolog). Cf.
- TXR (Common Lisp).
- D Compiler (C++-like language).
- Mercury. (Prolog)
- Bracmat (Common Lisp derivative).

Le 18 nov. 2021 à 18:20, Charles Greathouse <> a écrit :

That's fantastic, Philippe! Do you have any tips for others who might like to try compiling for the iPad?

On Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 2:17 AM Philippe de Rochambeau <> wrote:
Good morning,
For those that might be interested, I have managed to compile GP in the iSH VM on iOS on my IPad Air 3. It took 48 hours.
Best regards,