hermann on Wed, 21 Jun 2023 18:32:18 +0200

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Re: How to compute "Mod(2^(n+1), n)" for very big n?

On 2023-06-21 18:00, Bill Allombert wrote:
You can speed up this by doing
so that znlog does not need to factor n.

Only if knowing p and q, not when trying to factor n ;-)

But the cost of znlog is related to the largest prime factor of eulerphi(n),
not of n.

That is cool, eulerphi(n) = eulerphi(p) * eulerphi(q) allows to compute without factoring RSA-100. Largest prime factor of eulerphi(RSA-100) is only 26-digit number, while p and q are 50-digit numbers ...

$ gp-2.13 -q
? \r RSA_numbers_factored
? [l,n,p,q]=rsa[1][1..4]
[59, 71641520761751435455133616475667090434063332228247871795429, 200429218120815554269743635437, 357440504101388365610785389017]
? vecmax(factor(eulerphi(p)*eulerphi(q)))
? [l,n,p,q]=rsa[2][1..4];
? vecmax(factor(eulerphi(p)*eulerphi(q)))
? [l,n,p,q]=rsa[3][1..4];
? m = vecmax(factor(eulerphi(p)*eulerphi(q)))
? print(#digits(n), " ", #digits(p), " ", #digits(q), " ", #digits(m))
100 50 50 26

