Justin C. Walker on Tue, 26 Dec 2023 23:42:31 +0100

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Re: question on the use of Weber's Functions

FWIW, Monsky used the term “mock heegner points” in a 1990 in this paper:

@article {MR1048066,
    AUTHOR = {Monsky, Paul},
     TITLE = {Mock {H}eegner points and congruent numbers},
   JOURNAL = {Math. Z.},
  FJOURNAL = {Mathematische Zeitschrift},
    VOLUME = {204},
      YEAR = {1990},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {45--67},
      ISSN = {0025-5874,1432-1823},
   MRCLASS = {11G05 (11D25 11F03 11G18)},
  MRNUMBER = {1048066},
MRREVIEWER = {Noburo\ Ishii},
       DOI = {10.1007/BF02570859},
       URL = "" href="https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02570859" class="">https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02570859},

I haven’t absorbed this paper, but ran across it following another thread.  Don’t know that it directly relates to this thread.


On Dec 11, 2023, at 06:02 , John Cremona <john.cremona@gmail.com> wrote:

On Mon, 11 Dec 2023 at 13:03, Bill Allombert <Bill.Allombert@math.u-bordeaux.fr> wrote:
On Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 07:55:09PM -0800, American Citizen wrote:
> Hello:
> I obtained from Andre Robatino back in the mid-1990's an elegant GP-Pari
> script which I modified to find the mock Heegner points for rank 1 Congruent
> Number elliptic curves. I used his script to find the MW groups for all but
> 3 rank=2 curves for the first 1,000,000 elliptic curves.
> The ingenious part of the script which Andre created uses Weber's functions
> and has an almost quadratic convergence to the non-torsion rational point on
> the curve. For example, I believe it took only 6 passes for me to find the
> Mordell Weil generator for a point of height 40593.31146980... which is very
> high on the rank=1 curve of n = 958957.

> Has anyone here used Weber's functions to help find the rational points for
> the Mordell_Weil generators on the general rank=1 curve E(Q) ?
> See https://dl.acm.org/doi/book/10.5555/922720
> Andre gave me a copy of his master's thesis.
> I am very intrigued that these Weber functions can possibly make a break
> through in finding the MW group (at least on rank=1 curves) in a much faster
> way than using Heegner points for general rank=1 curves.

This is interesting. I know about the mock Heegner points method , but what I
had seen did not seem practical, so I would be very interested in this GP

Do you really mean "mock" Heegner points, Randall?  I don't think that they had been invented in the 1990s.  (They use p-adic methods developed by Marc NMasdeu and others, and are only conjectural.)

I know that ellheegner is not optimal for CM curves, and congruent numbers curves
are all CM, so maybe this is the reason ?

Certainly for these curves computing the a_p is faster than by pint-counting, as there is a simple formula (due to Gauss, and a_p=0 for all p=3 mod 4, etc).




Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large

Institute for the Enhancement of the Director's Income


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Only outlaws will have LuteFisk
