hermann on Mon, 01 Jan 2024 19:40:58 +0100

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Re: gp_oeis_search (Search integer sequence specified by short PARI/GP script on oeis.org)

On 2024-01-01 19:21, Karim Belabas wrote:

Sorry. Just use 'system' instead of 'extern': ѕtandard error/output are
simply printed (with extern, stdout is run as gp commands).

Thanks Karim,

system() resolved the issue, now x86_64 and aarch64 behave similar.

The behavior is different based on whether firefox is already running or not. If running, a new tab is opened with search page, and GP prompt appears on x86_64+aarch64. If firefox is not already running, x86_64+aarch64 hang after starting firefox, no GP prompt.

On x86_64 I see GTK+ warnings from firefox in both scenarios.

On aarch64 I see nothing reported in case firefox is already running:

pi@raspberrypi5:~ $ BROWSER=firefox gp -q oeis.gp

In case firefox is not already running, these firefox Video Acceleration API (VA-API) messages show up:

pi@raspberrypi5:~ $ BROWSER=firefox gp -q oeis.gp
[GFX1-]: glxtest: DRM render node not clearly detectable. Falling back to using the only one that was found.
[GFX1-]: vaapitest: ERROR
[GFX1-]: vaapitest: VA-API test failed: failed to initialise VAAPI connection.

