American Citizen on Fri, 13 Dec 2024 23:55:15 +0100

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Re: ellperiods


Thanks for that post. Appreciated.

- Randall

On 12/13/24 09:39, Bill Allombert wrote:
On Fri, Dec 13, 2024 at 04:00:06PM +0000, John Cremona wrote:
It is not clear to me what ellperiods(e) returns when e is an ellinit for a
curve defined over a number field.
ellperiods assume your curve is defined over R or C.

Also, if I want the period lattice for
all the embeddings of the fields into R or C, how would I do that?
Just use

Otherwise, you would need to apply all the embeddings and then use ellperiods
for each of them.

I am trying to see how many of the quantities appearing in the BSD
conjecture can be computed in GP, over a number field.
Assuming the rank and generators are know, everything except the
Tate-Shafarevich group, including the root number.

I am assuming
that we know generators somehow (ellgenerators() is not available), and
something to replace ellL1() so that we can get something like ellbsd().
Just use lfun(E,1)

I may have missed functions which are already there for curves over number
fields -- if so, please tell me.
May I suggest this tutorial ?
especially the last page.
