American Citizen on Thu, 30 Jan 2025 21:43:39 +0100 |
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program to verify ISBN numbers (10 digit or 13 digit) |
Hello All:I had to verify some ISBN numbers and didn't know that they actually followed a well ordered scheme for being checked.
For anyone who wants it, here's the GP-Pari program to verify the number or string value (removing the dashes)
{verify_isbn(N)= my(m10,m13,m,n,sz,z); m10=[10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]~; m13=[1,3,1,3,1,3,1,3,1,3,1,3,1]~; if(type(N)=="t_STR", m=Vec(N); sz=matsize(m)[2]; n=0; for(i=1,sz,if(m[i]!="-",n=concat(n,eval(m[i])););); sz=matsize(n)[2]; n=vector(sz-1,i,n[i+1]); ); if(type(N)=="t_INT", n=digits(N);); if(default(debug)>0,print("n=",n)); if(matsize(n)[2]==13, z=n*m13; if(z%10==0,print("Valid ISBN: ",N);,print("Invalid! ",N);); return; ); if(matsize(n)[2]==10, z=n*m10; if(z%11==0,print("Valid ISBN: ",N);,print("Invalid! ",N);); return; ); print("Invalid ISBN: ",N); }