Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - basemath - ZV.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.16.2 lcov report (development 29465-f396510193) Lines: 800 911 87.8 %
Date: 2024-07-25 09:03:53 Functions: 122 136 89.7 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

Function Name Sort by function name Hit count Sort by hit count
Flc_lincomb1_inplace 29461390
QM_QC_mul 142082
QM_mul 548927
QM_sqr 700
RgM_check_ZM 640276
RgV_check_ZV 1422200
ZC_Q_mul 2697405
ZC_ZV_mul 0
ZC_Z_add 363179
ZC_Z_div 4493177
ZC_Z_divexact 4432178
ZC_Z_mul 35109534
ZC_Z_sub 0
ZC_add 26387477
ZC_add_i 34468943
ZC_copy 13268627
ZC_divexactu 2261
ZC_hnfremdiv 10690741
ZC_is_ei 106942
ZC_lincomb 32858045
ZC_lincomb1 15322893
ZC_lincomb1_inplace 61215603
ZC_lincomb1_inplace_i 71952648
ZC_lincomb_1 729303
ZC_neg 6264502
ZC_reducemodlll 98541
ZC_reducemodmatrix 110487
ZC_reducemodmatrix_i 110487
ZC_sub 8722259
ZC_sub_i 8951504
ZC_z_mul 61732
ZMV_to_zmV 49
ZM_Q_mul 1092252
ZM_ZC_mul 23070992
ZM_ZC_mul_i 74709536
ZM_Z_div 15782
ZM_Z_divexact 429817
ZM_Z_mul 2984697
ZM_add 747540
ZM_copy 509457
ZM_det_triangular 3868301
ZM_diag_mul 533483
ZM_divexactu 441
ZM_equal 3347248
ZM_equal0 72400
ZM_hnfdivrem 453865
ZM_isdiagonal 556010
ZM_ishnf 759289
ZM_isidentity 638057
ZM_isscalar 103962
ZM_max_expi 0
ZM_max_expi_i 0
ZM_max_lg 21647
ZM_max_lg_i 28231315
ZM_mul 20963839
ZM_mul_classical 14050178
ZM_mul_diag 21
ZM_mul_fast 854
ZM_mul_i 21286176
ZM_mul_slice 1119
ZM_mul_sw 65540
ZM_mul_worker 1120
ZM_multosym 0
ZM_nc_mul_i 0
ZM_neg 1655047
ZM_nm_mul 0
ZM_pow 0
ZM_powu 22638
ZM_reducemodlll 0
ZM_reducemodmatrix 226907
ZM_reducemodmatrix_i 226907
ZM_sqr 24192
ZM_sqr_i 24192
ZM_sub 65151
ZM_supnorm 4001
ZM_to_zm 1022
ZM_togglesign 0
ZM_transmul 2289
ZM_transmultosym 527776
ZM_zc_mul 18989932
ZM_zc_mul_i 20983483
ZM_zm_mul 949041
ZMrow_ZC_mul 134539900
ZMrow_ZC_mul_i 530010023
ZMrow_equal0 16409
ZRED 1033394
ZV_ZM_mul 230629
ZV_abscmp 19740
ZV_cmp 3132950
ZV_content 297322
ZV_dotproduct 16154257
ZV_dotproduct_i 19128195
ZV_dotsquare 6636290
ZV_equal 296304
ZV_equal0 14368470
ZV_equal_lg 6258198
ZV_max_expi 0
ZV_max_expi_i 0
ZV_max_lg 10640
ZV_max_lg_i 109559742
ZV_neg_inplace 342109
ZV_prod 8819073
ZV_sum 77
ZV_to_nv 400846
ZV_togglesign 4919019
ZV_zc_mul 2229528
Z_ZC_sub 544242
ZincrementalGS 1183946
Zupdate_row 362272
_ZM_mul 280
_ZM_sqr 23184
_mulii 318095654
add_slices 524320
check_ZV 1807294
nm_Z_mul 0
subtract_slices 458780
sw_bound 14115929
vecsmall_prod 14694393
zmV_to_ZMV 126
zm_to_Flm 22694
zm_to_ZM 130047
zvV_equal 1638
zv_ZM_mul 1736
zv_abs 77
zv_content 20721470
zv_dotproduct 196399119
zv_equal 30837951
zv_equal0 23103506
zv_neg 51070
zv_neg_inplace 126
zv_prod 949851
zv_prod_Z 1864327
zv_sum 16445
zv_sumpart 0
zv_to_Flv 366646
zv_z_mul 28352

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16