Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - basemath - alglin1.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.16.2 lcov report (development 29465-f396510193) Lines: 2751 3142 87.6 %
Date: 2024-07-25 09:03:53 Functions: 296 317 93.4 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

Function Name Sort by function name Hit count Sort by hit count
F2Ms_colelim 53
F2m_image 7
F2m_indexrank 60
F2m_suppl 14
F2xqM_F2xqC_gauss 28
F2xqM_F2xqC_invimage 21
F2xqM_F2xqC_mul 21
F2xqM_deplin 14
F2xqM_det 7
F2xqM_gauss 21
F2xqM_gauss_gen 84
F2xqM_gauss_pivot 21
F2xqM_image 7
F2xqM_indexrank 7
F2xqM_inv 35
F2xqM_invimage 21
F2xqM_ker 21
F2xqM_ker_i 35
F2xqM_mul 1407
F2xqM_rank 7
F2xqM_suppl 7
FlkM_adjoint 3201
FlkM_inv 0
FlkM_ker 1276
FlmV_recover_pre 4477
Flm_image 39809
Flm_indexrank 53039
Flm_suppl 105
FlxqM_FlxqC_gauss 14
FlxqM_FlxqC_invimage 21
FlxqM_FlxqC_mul 35
FlxqM_deplin 35
FlxqM_det 28
FlxqM_gauss 21
FlxqM_gauss_i 91
FlxqM_gauss_pivot 1427
FlxqM_image 21
FlxqM_indexrank 7
FlxqM_inv 56
FlxqM_invimage 42
FlxqM_ker 28
FlxqM_ker_i 2987
FlxqM_mul 157808
FlxqM_rank 35
FlxqM_suppl 14
FpM_FpC_gauss 14
FpM_FpC_invimage 294957
FpM_FpC_invimage_gen 8
FpM_deplin 452116
FpM_det 3948
FpM_det_gen 315
FpM_gauss 35
FpM_gauss_gen 3652
FpM_gauss_i 327754
FpM_gauss_pivot 600338
FpM_gauss_pivot_gen 1214
FpM_image 311739
FpM_indexrank 30035
FpM_init 1223932
FpM_init3 1274587
FpM_intersect 0
FpM_intersect_i 262713
FpM_inv 327706
FpM_invimage 0
FpM_invimage_gen 35
FpM_ker 814515
FpM_ker_gen 2646
FpM_ker_i 1274585
FpM_rank 56
FpM_ratlift_parallel 2720968
FpM_ratlift_worker 73139
FpM_suppl 258513
FpXM_ratlift 1276
FqM_FqC_gauss 14
FqM_FqC_invimage 21
FqM_FqC_mul 63
FqM_deplin 84
FqM_det 70
FqM_gauss 21
FqM_gauss_gen 133
FqM_gauss_pivot 1504
FqM_gauss_pivot_gen 105
FqM_image 49
FqM_indexrank 7
FqM_inv 98
FqM_invimage 42
FqM_ker 10939
FqM_ker_gen 126
FqM_ker_i 11023
FqM_mul 66409
FqM_rank 70
FqM_suppl 5193
QC_normalize 6384
QM_deplin 119
QM_det 203
QM_gauss 6048
QM_gauss_i 6377
QM_image 5411
QM_image_shallow 6181
QM_indexrank 1344
QM_inv 63177
QM_ker 16653
QM_rank 21
RgC_inflate 14
RgM_Fp_init 2177
RgM_Fp_init3 189
RgM_Hadamard 19527
RgM_RgC_invimage 2275
RgM_RgC_invimage_FpC 28
RgM_RgC_invimage_fast 2170
RgM_RgC_solve_FpC 49
RgM_RgC_solve_fast 1183396
RgM_deplin 385
RgM_deplin_FpM 105
RgM_deplin_FqM 49
RgM_deplin_fast 385
RgM_deplin_i 28
RgM_det2 84779
RgM_det_FpM 1519
RgM_det_FqM 42
RgM_det_fast 33760
RgM_div 28
RgM_image_FpM 63
RgM_image_FqM 35
RgM_image_fast 5572
RgM_indexrank_FpM 28
RgM_indexrank_FqM 0
RgM_indexrank_fast 60731
RgM_inv 206965
RgM_inv_FpM 112
RgM_inv_FqM 42
RgM_inv_fast 206965
RgM_inv_upper 1612527
RgM_inv_upper_ind 3211313
RgM_invimage 364
RgM_invimage_FpM 84
RgM_invimage_fast 364
RgM_is_symmetric_cx 53
RgM_ker_FpM 84
RgM_ker_FqM 91
RgM_ker_fast 8687
RgM_pivots 138061
RgM_rank_FpM 126
RgM_rank_FqM 49
RgM_rank_fast 315
RgM_solve 1232102
RgM_solve_FpM 98
RgM_solve_basecase 1375236
RgM_solve_fast 48705
RgM_solve_realimag 1215550
RgM_suppl_FpM 70
RgM_suppl_fast 175
RgM_true_Hadamard 710055
RgMs_structelim 0
RgMs_structelim_col 147
RgV_deplin 0
ZM_adj_ratlift 747516
ZM_count_0_cols 4204818
ZM_det 129617
ZM_det2 8596
ZM_det3 99954
ZM_det_slice 20692
ZM_det_worker 20692
ZM_detmult 166815
ZM_gauss 1736336
ZM_gauss_i 1736336
ZM_gauss_slice 1986744
ZM_gauss_worker 1986745
ZM_imagecompl 0
ZM_indeximage 6181
ZM_indexrank 1766922
ZM_inv 2055823
ZM_inv0 43414
ZM_inv1 643335
ZM_inv2 722192
ZM_inv_i 2119000
ZM_inv_ratlift 0
ZM_inv_slice 782559
ZM_inv_worker 782559
ZM_ker 49262
ZM_ker_chinese 69559
ZM_ker_filter 105226
ZM_ker_i 65040
ZM_ker_slice 131775
ZM_ker_worker 131775
ZM_pivots 4215220
ZM_pseudoinv 5012
ZM_rank 2218011
ZabM_indexrank 2387
ZabM_inv 1820
ZabM_inv_ratlift 0
ZabM_inv_slice 1978
ZabM_inv_worker 1978
ZabM_ker 623
ZabM_ker_check 655
ZabM_pseudoinv 140
ZabM_true_Hadamard 1820
_F2xqM_mul 0
_FlxqM_mul 16079
_FpM_mul 22741
_FqM_mul 6349
_copy 0
_gen_addmul 154389
_gen_get_col 63138
_submul 10690110
add_slices 0
can_ratlift 754549
closemodinvertible 14937
coeff_det 406
col_count_non_zero 1470
deplin 385
det 245953
det0 26474
det2 115348
det_bareiss 462
det_develop 658
det_init_max 252
det_simple_gauss 57899
detint 47549
eigen 0
eigen_err 53
fill_wcol 7448
gauss 434
gauss_get_pivot_NZ 4501
gauss_get_pivot_max 1918136
gauss_get_pivot_padic 201792
gauss_pivot 59107
gauss_pivot_ker 1271
gen_CUP 11480
gen_CUP_basecase 22408
gen_Gauss 14228
gen_Gauss_pivot 1891
gen_colei 154
gen_colneg 19333
gen_colscalmul 354731
gen_colsub 681972
gen_deplin_echelon 105
gen_det 294
gen_det_CUP 140
gen_det_i 420
gen_echelon 27851
gen_gauss 3960
gen_gauss_CUP 559
gen_gerepile_gauss_ker 0
gen_get_suppl 21
gen_invimage 140
gen_invimage_CUP 63
gen_ker 1906
gen_ker_echelon 3931
gen_ker_i 5865
gen_lsolve_lower_unit 20125
gen_lsolve_lower_unit_2 7865
gen_lsolve_upper 14256
gen_lsolve_upper_2 6180
gen_matcolinvimage 0
gen_matcolinvimage_i 71
gen_matcolmul 204745
gen_matcolmul_i 640629
gen_matinv_upper 28
gen_matinv_upper_ind 77
gen_matinvimage 77
gen_matmul 84223
gen_matmul_classical 84223
gen_matmul_i 84223
gen_matmul_sw 0
gen_matneg 4008
gen_matrank 35
gen_matscalmul 54448
gen_matsub 78597
gen_pivots 2788
gen_pivots_CUP 904
gen_rsolve_lower_unit 40212
gen_rsolve_lower_unit_2 17190
gen_rsolve_upper 5840
gen_rsolve_upper_2 2256
gen_solve_upper_1 4085
gen_suppl 21
gen_zerocol 46755
gen_zeromat 14906
gerepile_gauss 0
gerepile_gauss_ker 0
gerepile_mat 0
get_col 674816
get_pivot_fun 600209
get_suppl 260084
image 5572
image2 7
image_from_pivot 351643
imagecompl 84
imagecompl_aux 84
indexcompl 17571
indeximage0 6181
indexrank 60731
indexrank0 1930445
indexrank_all 21438
init_gauss 2218015
init_indexrank 1915176
init_suppl 260083
inverseimage 2436
ker 8687
ker_aux 1271
mateigen 144
matimage0 210
matker0 46221
parallelogramarea 62602
perm_complete 42876
rank 315
reducemodinvertible 7
reducemodlll 0
rem_col 97145
rem_singleton 7648
row_count_non_zero 1456
split_realimag 2569511
split_realimag_col 4515612
subtract_slices 0
suppl 175
vecnorml1 5467

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16