Bill Allombert on Mon, 30 Aug 2004 18:57:15 +0200

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fix in CVS for recent build failure with g++

Hello PARI-dev,

I have commited the patch below to fix a build-failure with


diff -u -r1.29 mpqs.c
--- src/modules/mpqs.c  30 Aug 2004 12:35:23 -0000      1.29
+++ src/modules/mpqs.c  30 Aug 2004 16:40:13 -0000
@@ -569,7 +569,8 @@
   pari_sp av = avma;
-  long best_k = 1, k, p, N_mod_4 = mod4(N);
+  long best_k = 1, k, N_mod_4 = mod4(N);
+  ulong p;
   GEN kN;
   double best_value = 1, value, dp;
   long i, j;
@@ -634,7 +635,7 @@
  * If a prime factor of N is found during the construction, it is returned
  * in f, otherwise f = 0  (such a factor necessarily fits into a C long). */
 static long*
-mpqs_create_FB(long size, GEN kN, long k, ulong *f)
+mpqs_create_FB(long size, GEN kN, ulong k, ulong *f)
   ulong p = 0;
   long i, kr, *FB;