Jacques Gélinas on Tue, 16 Apr 2019 15:19:55 +0200

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Re: Muller implementation don't know where is the problem

> compatibility with GP 2.3. Functions like "print" has support for comma-less concatenation:

Yes, Str() has also the same property, and I have used that for ages since GP 2.4, for example

P(n=2) = sum(k=0,n, binomial(n,k) * ak(k) * x^(n-k) );
poldisc(P(2))/2^2 == -a2*a0 + a1^2
poldisc(P(3))/3^3 == -a3^2*a0^2 + (6*a3*a2*a1 - 4*a2^3)*a0 + (-4*a3*a1^3 + 3*a2^2*a1^2)

Luckily, if all else fails, there is always the Pari-users list with help within the hour at most times.

Jacques Gélinas