hermann on Fri, 09 Feb 2024 04:16:08 +0100 |
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Re: how to determine normal vector for points on a plane in ℤ³ |
On 2024-02-07 18:40, hermann@stamm-wilbrandt.de wrote:
I used the method to compute the normal of the plane, and the point on plane with minimal distance to origin:Thanks for both answers. Bill's method only adds a 1 to each vector Loïc's method does vector subtraction for all vectors. So I will go with Bill's method:
https://github.com/Hermann-SW/GP3D/blob/main/tqf_3D.2.gp#L45-L56 v=matker(Mat(apply(x->concat(x,1),P~)))[,1]; ... PO=-v[4]/(norml2(v[1..3]))*v[1..3]~; V=v[1..3]~/sqrt(norml2(v[1..3]~)); jscad.wlog("O = ",PO); jscad.wlog("N = ",conv(V)); with this "conv()": https://github.com/Hermann-SW/GP3D/blob/main/utils.gp#L10-L14 conv(v)={ t = acos(v[3]); r = atan2(v[2],v[1]); [rad2deg(r),rad2deg(t)]; } JSCAD parameter params.plane decides whether plane is shown: jscad.wlog("if (params.plane) {");jscad.wlog(" out.push(colorize(black,translate(O,sphere({radius:0.1}))))"); jscad.wlog(" out.push(colorize([1,1,1,params.alpha],translate(O,rotateZ(degToRad(90+N[0]),rotate([degToRad(N[1]),0,0],cuboid({size: [2*sc+1,2*sc+1,0.02]}))))))");
jscad.wlog("}"); The small black sphere in plane is vertex O: https://stamm-wilbrandt.de/images/tqf_3D.2.gp.n_37.jpgPARI/GP dtermines maximal number of vertices in a plane (with same color) and draws plane (transparant very thin cuboid) throgh them.
So cool to be able to play with qfminim() determined ℤ³ coordinates (for n=37) in jscad.app in the browser.
Again I used my personal website as URL shortener for the 7543 bytes long application/gzip jscad.app data URL. Click, and you can play with the model in your browser:
https://stamm-wilbrandt.de/tqf_3D.2.gp.n_37.html Regards, Hermann.