Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - basemath - bibli2.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.16.2 lcov report (development 29115-f22e516b23) Lines: 1252 1311 95.5 %
Date: 2024-05-01 08:07:45 Functions: 116 121 95.9 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

Function Name Sort by function name Hit count Sort by hit count
QXQ_reverse 6006
RgV_polint 224
RgV_polint_fast 224
RgXQ_reverse 175
ZC_union_shallow 182
ZM_merge_factor 29757
ZV_indexsort 1523
ZV_search 1073659
ZV_sort 63
ZV_sort_inplace 1201416
ZV_sort_shallow 1288
ZV_sort_uniq 60480
ZV_sort_uniq_shallow 22840
ZV_union_shallow 34510
ZV_union_shallow_t 34692
binomial 101851
binomial0 1849
binomial_lval 3206
binomialuu 80845
check_dy 16188
check_positive_entries 133
closurecmp 7909
cmp_Flx 322046
cmp_RgX 110714
cmp_RgX_Rg 3612
cmp_nodata 644781381
cmp_prime_ideal 665820
cmp_prime_over_p 3357032
cmp_small 77
convol 14
dirdiv 434308
dirmul 336
dirval 869288
err_hermite 21
err_lag 21
err_reverse 7
eulerianpol 77
gen_cmp_RgX 5508371
gen_indexsort 814977
gen_indexsort_uniq 60223
gen_search 23574705
gen_setminus 245
gen_sort 3825597
gen_sort_inplace 40046940
gen_sort_shallow 397516
gen_sort_uniq 347130
gen_sortspec 190672272
gen_sortspec_uniq 2245610
gprec 98
gprec_w 11268366
gprec_wensure 6289671
gprec_wtrunc 3663875
gtoset 227073
inC 17357
indexlexsort 0
indexsort 201942
indexvecsort 42
init_sort 45492345
key_search 7
laplace 35
lexsort 127981
mathilbert 133
matqpascal 35881
merge_factor 690046
merge_sort_uniq 451333
modreverse 28
polchebyshev 4284
polchebyshev1 2156
polchebyshev1_eval 14
polchebyshev1_eval_aux 70
polchebyshev2 2135
polchebyshev2_eval 35
polchebyshev2_eval_aux 91
polchebyshev_eval 4333
polcyclo 627907
polcyclo_eval 100138
polcyclo_prime 505436
polhermite 1442
polhermite_eval 0
polhermite_eval0 1477
polint 329
polint_i 329
polintspec 16223
pollaguerre 2128
pollaguerre_eval 0
pollaguerre_eval0 2163
pollaplace 14
pollegendre 2163
pollegendre_eval 0
pollegendre_eval0 2177
pollegendre_reduced 0
polrecip 161
serlaplace 14
setbinop 21
setdelta 14
setintersect 7
setisset 14
setminus 245
setsearch 83622
setunion 7
setunion_i 7
sort 912899
sort_extract 3105985
sort_factor 9979035
sort_factor_pol 1978663
sort_function 126840
stirling 301
stirling1 154
stirling2 1694
tablesearch 1125506
triv_sort 1066732
vandermondeinverse 52720
vandermondeinverseinit 83597
vec_equiv 1120
vec_reduce 16838
vecbinomial 147570
veccmp 295015
vecsearch 126105
vecsort 2954
vecsort0 735
zv_search 11421067

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14