Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - basemath - polarit2.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.18.1 lcov report (development 29950-285c5b69ed) Lines: 2240 2477 90.4 %
Date: 2025-02-05 09:09:51 Functions: 211 221 95.5 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

Function Name Sort by function name Hit count Sort by hit count
CX_factor 21
FE_matconcat 245
Flv_factorback 108623
FlxqV_factorback 2499
FpV_factorback 8471599
Fpmul 28650912
Fppow 244383
FqV_factorback 14
Lazard 628750
Lazard2 832585
Q_content 194224
Q_content_safe 1262382892
Q_content_v 173002372
Q_denom 3186076
Q_denom_safe 245467820
Q_denom_v 53721732
Q_div_to_int 486834
Q_divi_to_int 168806516
Q_divmuli_to_int 11538373
Q_divq_to_int 10265817
Q_factor 21411
Q_factor_limit 9760
Q_gcd 1004421794
Q_mul_to_int 0
Q_muli_to_int 140755039
Q_primitive_part 84921254
Q_primpart 7752442
Q_remove_denom 55565636
Qi_cmp 91
Qi_factor 49
Qi_factor_p 42
Qi_gcd 399
Qi_normal 469
Qi_primpart 49
Qi_primpart_try 70
RX_factor 28
R_to_Q_down 525
R_to_Q_up 525
RgC_settype 269007104
RgM_RgC_type 32352513
RgM_rescale_to_int 4608441
RgM_settype 48254054
RgM_type 659838
RgM_type2 7621026
RgV_type 774310
RgV_type2 203
RgXQ_charpoly 12974
RgXQ_charpoly_FpXQ 14
RgXQ_charpoly_fast 12974
RgXQ_charpoly_i 975421
RgXQ_factor 252
RgXQ_factor_i 252
RgXQ_inv 135069
RgXQ_inv_FpXQ 12054
RgXQ_inv_FpXQXQ 7
RgXQ_inv_fast 135069
RgXQ_inv_i 890
RgXQ_mul 1526089
RgXQ_mul_FpXQ 274309
RgXQ_mul_FpXQXQ 385
RgXQ_mul_fast 1526089
RgXQ_ratlift 112
RgXQ_sqr 458229
RgXQ_sqr_FpXQ 14
RgXQ_sqr_FpXQXQ 0
RgXQ_sqr_fast 458229
RgXY_factor 245
RgXY_factor_squarefree 273
RgXY_squff 245
RgX_Frobenius_deflate 343
RgX_Rg_mul_i 2445538
RgX_Rg_type 5978884
RgX_chinese_coprime 0
RgX_cmbf 6475
RgX_disc 124140
RgX_disc_FpX 42
RgX_disc_FpXQX 28
RgX_disc_fast 124140
RgX_disc_i 399
RgX_extgcd 4970
RgX_extgcd_FpX 133
RgX_extgcd_FpXQX 7
RgX_extgcd_fast 4529
RgX_extgcd_simple 0
RgX_extresultant_FpX 77
RgX_extresultant_fast 1568
RgX_factor 13811
RgX_fix_quadratic 98
RgX_gcd 11294567
RgX_gcd_FpX 112462
RgX_gcd_FpXQX 7
RgX_gcd_QXQX 3150
RgX_gcd_ZXQX 2289
RgX_gcd_fast 11294567
RgX_gcd_simple 0
RgX_halfgcd 0
RgX_halfgcd_all 63
RgX_halfgcd_all_FpX 28
RgX_halfgcd_all_FpXQX 0
RgX_halfgcd_all_fast 63
RgX_halfgcd_all_i 14
RgX_is_irred 11165
RgX_is_irred_i 11165
RgX_liftred 10878
RgX_neg_i 832583
RgX_pseudodenom 1247817
RgX_rescale_to_int 37478
RgX_resultant_FpX 28
RgX_resultant_FpXQX 21
RgX_resultant_all 1064688
RgX_resultant_sylvester 169893
RgX_settype 392531916
RgX_sturmpart 763
RgX_sylvestermatrix 169893
RgX_type 2506134
RgX_type2 106461713
RgX_type3 1526089
RgX_type_decode 11691216
RgX_type_is_composite 163349486
Rg_type 171401788
ZV_lcm 3575
ZX_content 13146
Z_content 9885034
Z_content_v 2283220
Zi_mul3 896
Zi_rem 448
c_is_rational 2590
c_zero_gcd 1267
caract_const 126
centermod 10958542
centermod_i 14471703
centermodii 87834876
choosetype 328735127
cont_gcd 2758741
cont_gcd_gen 2635
cont_gcd_pol 2745984
cont_gcd_pol_i 2745984
cont_gcd_rfrac 10143
content 72299562
deg1_from_roots 156911
factor 62336
factor0 59375
factor_domain 63015
factorback 1401703
factorback2 24936348
fix_lcm 3680
fix_pol 343
gbezout 427
gc_gcdext 217
gcd3 6047
gcdext0 427
gcdiq 12447539
gcdmonome 1706300
gcdqq 27381970
gdivexact 27727015
gen_cmp_RgXY 385
gen_factorback 33739361
ggcd 30231526
ggcd0 5203595
ghalfgcd 91
ginvmod 35168
glcm 3283
glcm0 2898
inexact 100919
init_resultant 1149816
isinexactall 38367
mul 54633351
must_negate 6440
newtonpoly 28
nextSousResultant 832584
normalized_mul 1718724
normalized_to_RgX 1038824
ok_bloc 434
padic_gcd 1407
pol_approx0 0
poldisc0 4714
polfromroots 56
polisirreducible 11165
polresultant0 504
polresultantext 1463
polresultantext0 1575
polsym 113308
polsym_gen 130724
powi 79110600
primitive_part 1100496
primpart 2233
quadratic_to_RgX 420
random_FpX_monic 112
reduceddiscsmith 7
reductum_lg 2440486
rescale_init 29588861
resultant 1149788
resultant2 28
resultant_fast 1149787
rnfcharpoly 224
roots_from_deg1 63896
roots_to_pol 774300
roots_to_pol_FpV 14
roots_to_pol_FqV 7
roots_to_pol_fast 774226
roots_to_pol_r1 264630
row_Q_primpart 16212
s_centermod 0
scalar_bezout 112
scalar_res 7
settype 3177947943
sturmpart 385
sturmpart_i 1148
subres_step 11832
subresext 0
subresext_i 2388
syl_RgC 371755
syl_RgM 169900
sylvestermatrix 7
triv_cont_gcd 2555
vec_Q_primpart 113431
vecprod 10003
zero_bezout 63
zero_extgcd 434
zero_gcd 8255711
zero_gcd2 8879344

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16